The muadib's coming back

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Paul atreides was lost in desert, that was the fremen treat for the blind, they got lost in the desert till the sandworms kills them .
Paul was walking ,waiting for the sandworms, waiting of his end but it didn't happen, Paul kept alive and suddenly he got back his vision, he saw a woman standing alone, staring at him ,her face was blurred .
Paul :"who is this woman I have never seen her before"
In the vision, the woman was calling him .
The woman with creepy voice:"paul muadib I can help you ".
The vision stopped, it was the night, paul fell asleep on the sand .
The next day ,paul woke up ,he heard a unfamiliar voice then he said:"who are you ?"
The woman:"I'm the woman you had a vision about yesterday "
Paul:"how do you know about my visions ??"
The woman:"everybody know about muadib's visions "
Paul:"they think I'm dead "
The woman:"I knew that ..I'm veronica Mars by the way ".
Paul:"I don't know anyone with this name "  .
Veronica:"it's a rare name "
Paul got impatient.
Paul:"in my vision you said that you can help me ,I don't need help but what can you do ?"
Veronica:"I can bring your eyes back "
Paul :"I don't need it ,I don't want to see anything or anyone, I have lost everyone "
Veronica:"I can bring them back to you "
Paul :"how ?you're only a woman "
Veronica:"let's see what this woman could do ,I am one of the bene geserit sisters, I quicked the sisterhood long time ago "
Veronica:" I hate what they did and what they  going to do and  I'm stronger than them so that they tried to kill me ,I escaped ".
Paul:"what can you do ?"
Veronica:"I travel in time "
Paul was very surprised and confused.
Paul (thinking):"I didn't know that time traveling is real  ".
Veronica:"let me bring back your eyes please ,you look scary "
Paul :"fine you can do it "
Veronica brought back his eyes ,they were very beautiful.
Veronica:"you look very handsome with your eyes "
Paul smiled .
Paul:"so you can take me back in time where everyone was there with me "
Veronica:"exactly "
Paul :"let's do it then ,why we are waiting "
Veronica:"it's not easy ,and we have to be careful with time ,sometimes we fix something then we find out that we ruined everything "
Paul :"we have to try "
Veronica:"but if I said no "
Paul :"what ?"
Veronica:"if I didn't want to take you "
Paul:"why did you came then "
Veronica:"I came to check on you "
Paul :"why ?"
Veronica:"you're muadib everybody cares about you "
Paul:"not everyone "
Veronica:"whatever, let's do it "
Paul :"i really appreciate that"
Veronica blushed.
Veronica:"when exactly  you want to come back "
Paul :"before my father's death "
Veronica:" is that more than 40 years ago "
Paul :"yes ,but how did you know?"
Veronica:"because I followed you since the day you were born"
Paul :"really "
Veronica:"since that day ,I started dreaming about you and our meeting but it didn't happened till today "
Paul was going to talk but she interrupted him .
Veronica:"are you ready?"
Paul :"yes "
Veronica:"are you scared ?"
Paul:"no ,are you scared? "
Veronica:"yes it's my first time doing this "
Paul:"I must not fear ,fear is the mind killer ,fear is the little death.., I will permit it to pass over me ,where the fear has gone, there  will be nothing only I will remain "
Veronica:"thank you usul "
Paul smiled.
Paul:"take a deep breath "
Veronica:"I'm getting better but everytime I try it I remember my mother, she died doing it .
Paul :"I'm sorry, I didn't know it causes death, you don't have to ".
Veronica:"I'm doing it "
Paul :"but .."
Veronica:"for me ,it's an honor to die serving the one you really love "
Paul was too stunned to speak.
Veronica held Paul's hand and she counted.
One....two ....three.
Paul :"did it work "
Veronica:"yes "
Paul:"my dad is alive now "
Veronica:"yes "
Paul:"I have to save him before he dies"
Veronica:"go save him "
Paul :"I'm glad I met you ,thank you "
Veronica:"it's time to say goodbye "
Paul looked ,he smiled then he went to save leto .
Veronica:"see you in my dreams I guess " then she disappeared.
She loved paul but he only loved chani .

 She loved paul but he only loved chani

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