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Paul went to his father and he hugged him so hard .
Leto :"are you okay son"
Paul :"yes dad "
Then he turned to duncan
Duncan:"I thought you grew up for this "
Paul laughed them he went to gurney's arms .
Gurney was really shocked .
Paul whispered in gurney's ear:"old man "
Jessica came in .
Jessica:"hurry up paul they're waiting for us "
Paul :"dad come with us "
Leto:"I can't ,I have things to do "
Jessica:"Paul "
Paul :"dad you have to come with us ,if you don't you die "
Duncan whispered in leto s ear :"he told me that to "
Jessica:"paul are you okay "
Paul with tears in his eyes :"dad believe me , they will kill you ".
Leto :"the fremen "
Paul :"no the harkonen ".
Leto was shocked, paul didn't use to cry infront of him .
Leto :"I'm going with you ".
Paul wiped his tears:"thanks dad"
All of them went to see lyet kynes .
Paul :"lyet kynes take us to the fremen ".
Lyet:"you're not ready "
Paul:"I am ready ,I'm the muadib ".
Everybody looked at him in shock 
Leto :"what are you talking about?"
Paul:"when we arrive I will tell you "
The way was too long ,he couldn't wait to see chani ,his sihaya .
When they arrived .
Chani and the fremen were waiting for lyet to ask her about the muadib and there he was .
When they arrived to the fremen paul didn't talk to chani ,he waited.
Lyet:"tomorrow we will take you to your own sietch "
Paul :"why not now ?"
Lyet:"it's far a way "
Paul :"we can ride worms"
Everyone was impressed by him .especially chani .
Lyet:"do you know how".
Paul:"yes I do "
The fremen started whispering:"his definitely lisan al gaib "
Lyet :"as you like "
Chani came closer to paul
Chani :"how did you know that?"
Paul :"I saw it on documentary "
Chani  smiled and she was going
Paul :"chani "
She turned to him
Paul :"do you believe in miracles "
Chani :"yes ofcourse "
Paul puts his hand on her head.
She saw everything they have been through, and she saw veronica  .
Chani knew that he traveled in time .
Chani  whispered:"paul ,my beloved "
Then they hugged eachother,and he kissed her forehead.
When they arrived to the sietch,
Leto :"I didn't know you are good with girls ".
Jessica:"me too ".
Paul smiled then he said
"Mom ,dad I got to show you something "
Leto and Jessica:"ofcourse ".
He did the same thing he did to chani
Leto and Jessica had a mind blowing especially Jessica she couldn't hide it like leto did .
Leto :"now we know what we gonna do to save the fremen, we will let it happen like it happened before"
Jessica:"but with less lost"
Leto :"no we let it at it is ,son I don't blame you but you shouldn't do this ".
Jessica:"who else knew about this "
Paul:"you and chani "
Jessica:"nice don't tell anyone else".
Paul :"I knew what I'm doing and you knew this "
Paul was going out then leto interpreted him
Leto :"I'm proud of you son and I still gonna be proud "
Paul  smiled and he went to chani .
Chani :"when we win the war this time, will you marry Irulan"
Paul :"yes ,ofcourse "
Chani:"Paul!! "
Paul :"I'm joking, and it still far away ,maybe think changes and none of that will happen ,I fear things get worst then it was ".
Chani:"you have to face your fear"
Paul :"I know ,sihaya".
The atreides made big sacrifices to save the fremen and to save themselves.
Paul became the emperor of the universe. Alia took a high position.
Jessica and leto knew about alia this time ,they raised her as a normal child even though she's an abomination.
Paul and chani got children, they were normal.
Veronica Mars was very proud, her sacrifices didn't went for nothing ,she died in peace.
The universe was in peace because of paul ,leto ,Jessica, alia ,chani and veronica .

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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