What The Hell Are You!?

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Second story!

What you should know:

(H/L)= Hair Length,

(H/C)= Hair Color,

(F/F)= Favorite Food,

(F/D)= Favorite Drink,

(F/C)= Favorite Color,

(E/C)= Eye Color

Also as a teenager you look like the girl in the pic just change the eyes and hair color if you want.


Chapter 1: What The Hell Are You!?

'Hello, I'm Lilith. My parents died when I was 5. I'm 15 now, but the way they died was caused so unexpectedly. They died in a fire, I should have died in there along with them...But this...Thing...saved me. I guess I could say I knew it. That 'Thing' wasn't normal, that's for sure. I still remember it like it was yesterday...The day everything changed..'


My (H/L) (C) was being brushed by my mother. We were getting ready for bed. My Father had to leave the next morning to work on a buisiness trip for 2 weeks at most. I got in my (F/C) sheets. My mom put my brush down on my dresser and smiled at me, she sat next to my bedside.

"My Precious Girl...You okay?" I nodded then looked away and sighed.

"Mother...Why am I weird to people. I-is it because I see those people that others don't see? All the other kids don't like me and don't want to be friends with me because of my name and because I talk to the things they don't see." She patted my head making me look up at her.

"What you have is special. Nobody else has it. That's why they don't understand, but one day you will change everything. They will need you, just don't let them bring you down." You nodded. "Now get some rest, Goodnight Lilith."

I layed down in my bed but I just couldn't sleep. "Maybe they are right....I am just a person of the Night...Dark... Like a Demon...But I don't want to be a Demon. I'm not bad, I know I'm not. I don't get life anymore." cuddled my stuffed animal cat, Starr and I slowly drifted into a deep sleep.


I woke up and quickly sat up in my bed to the sounds of screaming. I got up slowly and placed my feet down on the hot floor. "Mother! Father!" I went to the door and tried to open it but the handle was burning hot.

"OW!" The floor started feeling more hot, it was like if I made one move it would all come down.

"No Mother! Father Please Hold On I Am Coming!" Tears were forming down my face and I smelt the smoke getting stronger but I kept trying to open the door but the flames started coming through under the door starting to tear it down like it was nothing, and I was next.

"You can't save them, It's to late...." I turned around with tears in my eyes to see this Dark Shadow Person with changing color eyes.

"But Why!? They Promised To Stay With Me! Nobody Likes Me! Everyone Thinks I'm Crazy Or Evil! They Didn't! Mother and Father Loved Me!" I feel to my knees and started crying. The smoke was unbearable. I kept trying to cry more but the smoke wouldn't let me do anything....I couldn't breath. That was when I knocked out....And when I woke up I was at a Orphanage. I don't know how I got there but I've lived there ever since.

-------Present Day-------

It was a normal day and routine I went through. First, I would get the mail from the Mailman. Then get ready for school. I make Breakfest for everyone and help out around with what I can do before school. I leave and walk to school, Talk to the same people and stuff, get Homework. After make dinner then sleep. Today though...felt rather...Strange. Like someone was watching me.

"Okay, Nina I'm gonna head to school! Bye!" You waved at Nina and she smiled waving back.

I kept walking down the street trying to shake off that feeling. "Goddammit!! I KNOW YOUR THERE!!" You looked to where you felt it the most but it suddenly disappeared.

"What the hell!?" You snarled slightly, walking fast to the gates.

"Oh look it's Lilith, The Little Bitch. Ha, Mother and Father still away?" This blonde girl laughed and smirked with her group of two Airheads.

"Oh Aria, So I see you are still a Bitchy Whore, aren't you?" I stuck my tongue out at her while she glared. "Bye Group of Idiots!" I walked inside and saw my friend, Britney, or Brit for short.

"Lilith! Finally your here I thought you weren't coming." She laughed a bit and I nodded.

"Sorry I was handling things with Aria and her puppets." Her eyes widen and I held her arms while she started frailing around.

"OHHHH HELLL NAHHHHHH!!!! SHE BETTER WATCH HERSELF!! THAT HO IS GONNA GET HURT!!" I kept my arms wrapped around her while she kept trying to break free.

"Brit! Calm down!"

"NO I DON'T WANNA!! LET ME AT T.H.O.T.!!!" (Readers if you don't know what T.H.O.T. means, it's "That. Hoe. Over. There.)

"Stop! I handled it! Don't worry so much!"

She finally stopped and sighed. "Fine but if they do it again tell me then I'll deal with it."

I laughed nervously. "Yea...I so will..." I turned my head. "Maybe...."

"What was that?"

"Nothing!" I smiled. "Just Peachy! Come on let's head to class!" I got her arm and got her to come to class with me.


I was walking back to the Orphanage and sighed. I looked to the left facing the center. Nina was talking with this Well-Fashion middle aged man, He looked like he was rich but I could tell by his outfit he was some sort of Butler or something.

"Hello Nina, Who is this Man here?" Nina looked over at me and waved. I walked over to her and the Man. The Man held out his hand to me and I took it, shaking his hand.

"Sorry for Interrupting but my name is Victor Powell. But you may call me, Victor." I smiled Nina nodded shaking his hand too.

"Nice to meet you, Victor, I'm Lilith and this is Nina. So what brings you here?" He nodded and cleared his throat.

"Well Master wanted me to adopt someone here, and I must say you are a very respectful young girl. So I'm guessing you work here too?" I shook my head.

"I'm actually a Orphan here, My parents died when I was 5 in a fire..." Victor looked down at me and smiled.

"Your Perfect!"

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