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"I am feeling lonely without you in this room. can you hold me and make me feel loved?"- scribble writer

"Hyung, did you receive any letter from Jin hyung?" Jungkook and Yoongi said coming from the front door. Taehyung was sitting with the letter in hand.

"He's gone Kookie. He left me" Taehyung said and a tera fell from Taehyung's eyes. Jungkook was hugging Taehyung when Yoongi's phone rang. It is Hoseok.

"Yoongi where is Tae? Is Jin with him? He left his phone and also three letters for each one of us. Where is Jin?" Hoseok asked in one go.

"He left in the midnight only. Jin left letters for us as well. We are coming over in 15 minutes" Yoongi said and disconnected the call. He went to Taehyung. He held his hands. Taehyung was not moving. He was sitting still.

"Hyung please say something," Jungkook said with tears.

"Tae? Let's go. We don't have time. He must not have gone far" Yoongi said.

"He's gone Hyung. He is not coming back" Taehyung said and the last tear fell from his eyes.

They all went to Jin's residence. There is pin drop silence in the room. Namjoon was talking on phone with someone. Hoseok was going through some papers. But Jimin was sitting still. He was not moving. His attitude resembled the silence before the storm. Jungkook went to sit beside them. But Jimin still didn't move. Yoongi started helping Hoseok.

"He didn't leave any clue Yoongi. Wae?" Hoseok shouted with tears. Yoongi hugged him tightly.

"Jimin say something. Don't stay quiet" Jungkook asked Jimin. He held his hands. It was cold and sweaty. His other hand was caressing Jimin's hair.

"Chanyeol just called me. He said that he wants to come over. He said its urgent" Namjoon said. Chanyeol came after 20 minutes. It seemed he was nervous and extremely disappointed.

"What is it, Chan?" Namjoon asked. Chanyeol looked at Jimin and Hoseok and spoke.

"I want you guys to be patient and listen to me. Please" Jimin's eyes were filling up. Taehyung is silent as he was before. He just can't believe that his Jin is no longer here.

"Jimin, Jin left Seoul. He is not coming back. I cannot tell you where he went. But he left few things before he left. He transferred his shares to you. His 65% shares are yours now. You are the chairman of 'Weddings and Bells'. He transferred 15% shares to Mrs. Kim and Ms. Kim. Your 20% shares remain with you. The ownership rights are yours. Jin gave this house and 48 million won to Namjoon. His Gwangcheon's farm house and another 48 million won to Hobi. The company building and the rest assets belongs to his eomma and Noona. He gave his sports car to Jungkook. He recently bought Boheme Papillion pen by Montblanc to Yoongi. He said that he already gave Taehyung what he needed" Chanyeol said. there was silence in the room.

"Who wanted his pity?" Jimin said hile getting up. His eyes were filled with tears. Everyone looked at him. Hoseok was already crying holding Yoongi.

"Who wanted his damn money, house? I want him. Where is he? Tell me Chanyeol. I will pay you double. Tell where is he? Was this the reason why you came that day? Jin knew he was leaving. He didn't say anything to me? I don't want his company, his car or money. I want my brother back, my Jinnie back. ask him to come back." Jimin screamed and started crying. He threw away the papers. "I want Jin right now" Jimin continued saying Hoseok went to hold him.

"Hobi see what Chan is saying? He is saying that Jin left. He never goes anywhere without telling me. Why did he do this?" Jimin said hugging Hoseok. Jungkook and yoongi were also in tears looking at them.

"What happened? Why did left lie that? You know where he is right?" Namjoon asked wiping his tears.

"I wish I could tell you" Chanyeol said.

"If he does this ok then I will also find him wherever I can. Even if I have to hunt him down, I will do. we will find him on our own" Namjoon said with tears. Taehyung just left and drove off.



After so many months Taehyung didn't even spoke to anyone about Jin. He completely immersed himself in work.

Jimin didn't accepted Jin's offers. He still the CEO. Hoseok is also at Seoul. He and Namjoon didn't use 48 million won.

"Where is Mr. Kim, Jimin?" Henry asked again. Jimin was silent. He literally has no answers. He himself is finding Jin on weekends. But its all deadend. He is angry and disheartened with Jin's decision. He doesn't even know the reason of his disappearance.

"I don't know. He only knows. Don't ask me. Get back to work" Jimin say every time. Jimin starts crying after this conversation.

"I am not going to forgive you Jin. This office, company everything belongs to us. Not only me. How can you just leave me? When did you become so selfish?" Jimin said while crying.


Taehyung was going through some papers, when his phone rang. It was an unknown number.

"Yeboseyo?" Taehyung asked against the phone.

"Am I speaking to Mr. Kim Taehyung?" a female voice asked from the other side.

"Speaking" Taehyung said in a serious tone.

"I am Dr. Siene from Blue Moon maternity home. I am Mr. Kim Seokjin's doctor. He ran some tests. But I was out of station for a while. Se couldn't discuss his reports. I am not getting his number. His immediate guardian, Mr. Park Jimin is also not picking up his phone. He left this number as his boyfriend's number. So, I called you" Dr. Siene said.

Taehyung is angry with Jin. But he never stopped loving him. So, as soon as he heard reports. He got alarmed.

"Yes doctor. What is it? He said that he ran some tests. But that was 2 ½ months ago" Taehyung said.

"Yes. Mr. Kim. He is 10 weeks pregnant i.e., 3 months. He was 2 weeks pregnant when I last contacted him. So, his pregnancy is at advanced stage. He will be needing some tests and all" Dr. Siene said.

Taehyung was feeling overwhelmed, happy, angry, disappointed all t the same time. He was silent for good some time. But he thanked the doctor and disconnected the call. He was feeling so good that tears started falling from his eyes.

"I am going to be father. Jin is pregnant. Oh my god! Where are you, Jin? We are going to be parents." Taehyung said to himself. Just then Jungkook entered with a pleasant expression.

"Hyung, we got to know where is Jin hyung. He is in Suncheon. I have already informed Chim. They are coming. . we have to leave right now. Yoongi hyung is in the car. let's go hyung" Jungkook sad and left

"I am coming Jin for us and for our baby. I am happy" Taehyung said and left.


Hey guys! I am back with another update. I hope you guys are doing well. In this chapter I tried to infuse as much as emotions I could

Initially I used to stan only BTS. But now I am gradually taking interest in other kpop groups as well. I am liking TXT, ENHYPEN, STARY KIDS, SEVENTEEN(LITTLE LITTLE), ITZY AND BALCKPINK. Which are your favourite group other than BTS? Let me know.

. I hope you liked this chapter. If you did please vote and comment. I would to hear your suggestions. Stay happy and I will see you in my next update. till then,


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