Chapter 6: The Setup

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For the next few weeks, things were, I wouldn't say awkward exactly, but maybe a little uncertain. Kim and I were officially dating, and it felt really good. Like life was heading in the right direction. I didn't hang out with Rick as much as I used to, but he understood. It was a relief that they knew about each other, that I didn't have to hide anything, and both of them seemed to be OK with it. But I didn't make any effort to get us together either. I guess I hadn't reached my comfort level yet.

I'm sure her perfume lingered in the air of my apartment, and I noticed Kim absently checking out the picture of us on my nightstand from a camping trip: Two dudes sitting on a stump, knocking back a couple beers.

And there was that one time Rick spotted a pair of Kim's panties by the leg of the couch. He picked up the scrap of black lace and arched an eyebrow at me. 

"Go ahead," I offered. I knew my little horn dog well enough and figured Kim would be flattered.

He put them up to his nose and inhaled with deep satisfaction. I'll admit a smug pride at his grin of appreciation. She always got nice and wet for me, and smelled great. 

Since Rick and I were still fooling around, I became more and more puzzled that he remained sort of passive. At first, I thought it was because he'd never been with a man before, but we were now several months into our arrangement and he still never took the lead. Horny as hell, and hard as a rock, he'd just sort of sit there with a tentative grin on his face, leaving me to 'top from the bottom' or whatever.

I decided to ask him about it one night while I was sucking his dick.

"Do you like to wait for me to start things? I've noticed you don't blow me or fuck me unless I get the ball rolling. I kinda thought you'd be more proactive when it came to sex."

"I just... I don't know. I used to be, I guess. Before Kaylee," he admitted.

He was clearly feeling vulnerable. I didn't want him to feel like I was judging him, or thought something was wrong with him. My best bet was to stay on his dick and let him talk through it a little at a time; nothing reassures a man like a deep throat.

Going down, I heard him inhale with satisfaction as my mouth approached his ball sack, making him moan softly as I sucked hard on the exit, snaking my tongue back and forth on the underside.

"Fuck," he grunted, lightly placing his hand on my head. "It feels so good when you do that, wish I could take you so deep."

"Practice makes perfect," I smirked when I finally came up for air.

"Yeah, my dick gets ahead of my brain when I suck you off, and I just kind of lose it. All I can think about is how bad I need to come."

Stroking my hair absentmindedly as I lapped the precum from his slit with the tip of my tongue, he closed his eyes, savoring the pleasure, and kept talking in a dreamy, distant tone.

"Kaylee and I..." Rick paused, obviously looking for the words to explain. "Sometimes I'd really want it, but couldn't be sure how she felt. So like, I'd wait to see if she was going to throw up the stop sign. Other times she'd jump my bones out of nowhere. Not that I minded, but I think she wanted me to initiate and got tired of waiting. We just kind of missed connections a lot, you know? Out of sync with each other."

It was turning into a session of blow job therapy - letting his mind take a step back from his problems as he lost himself in pleasure. Giving him the emotional distance he needed to be able to talk it out. I was both turned on and touched. I didn't need any incentive to suck his dick; I enjoyed getting him off. But I was also really gratified I could get him to express himself about stuff that had obviously been bottled up and troubling him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2022 ⏰

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