part twenty two

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Jimin was still processing the fact that his brother had a child with his girlfriend, although adopted, but still. He had been too shocked to ask more and only found out about the boy's age and the fact that he wasn't Jungkook's actual son, despite the striking resemblance.

How will they be able to break it to his mother that Jungkook not only has tattoos, a girlfriend he's living with but also a kid, when he himself needed weeks to process it. It was already time to go back to Busan and he would finally get to meet the little boy personally too.

"Son, when are you leaving again?" Mr Park asked during their lunch, reminding the rest of the family of Jimin's upcoming trip. Areum was a bit tired from the morning sickness and would have felt better if her husband stayed by her side instead of leaving for a week.

"I'm going next week, but Mr Lee was wondering if I could elongate my stay and finish both weeks that I have left now. This way I would finish my training and take over before Areum's pregnancy progresses more, so that I could stay at home when she needs me more."

Mrs Park didn't really approve of her son leave for such a long time, but she did want him to take over as soon as possible. "But what about Ayeon if you leave for that long?" Sending her son off somewhere far away didn't sit well with her, even if it was just for two weeks to Busan.

"That's why I didn't agree with him yet, since I'd miss the two way too much." Jimin reassured his mother, but his wife still had a serious look on her face. 

"And what if Ayeon and I come to Busan with you? That way staying there for two weeks wouldn't be bad, and the two of us could do some sightseeing while you work."

"That would be a great idea, and you could visit the sea and the mountains with Ayeon. There's also a nice aquarium that she might like!" Mrs Park was excited and almost added that she would also go with them, but decided to give the little family some alone time.

"That would be nice, the hotel I usually stay at is close to the beach and it's a nice neighborhood to walk around." Jimin exclaimed and his wife nodded, but his mother looked disapprovingly at the two.

"Why would you stay at a hotel when Jungkook's place is big enough for all of you? He can let you stay there in the guest room and the old bedroom which I used to stay in, since he only uses his own bedroom." Mrs Park asked curiously, not understanding why her son would need to be at a hotel.

"Jungkook's house is far from the company, and I don't want to intrude on him. Ayeon is also not used to having pets around so Kook's dog would also be a problem." Jimin knew that there was no space at Jungkook's house, at least not until they got all secrets out of the way.

"So what? Are you implying that Jungkook wouldn't want you to stay over?! What kind of behaviour is that?!"

"No, he has told me to stay there before too, but it's just more practical to be closer to the company. I'd have more time with the girls and wouldn't need hours to drive to and from work. I'll ask Kook if he still has the apartment he used to live at and we could stay there instead of a hotel."

Jimin took his phone out and immediately texted his brother, not wanting to call him in case he was still at work. Within a minute his ringtone resonated, showing Jungkook's contact picture on his screen as he picked up. "Hey Kook! I hope I'm not disturbing you at work."

"Not at all, we're in the backyard playing with Lily. What's up there?"

"We're just discussing my next Busan visit with mom and dad. I was thinking about staying for two weeks and bring Areum and Ayeon along."

"That's sounds like a great vacation for noona and the little one! Where are you going to stay though? I'd offer you to stay over here or at grandpa's, but I don't know how having Lily around would make you feel."

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