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Dear Harry and Anna,

Hi! Assuming you're reading this in a Berlin hotel, I'm dead.

Miss me?

I'm sure you do, although I hope my absence isn't stopping you from enjoying the trip.

How was Rome?

I wish I was there to see it with you, but—well—life has other plans. And so do I. You'll notice the room only has one bed and that's because I'm hoping by now, you've discovered how you really feel about each other. Or at the very least, acknowledged it.

Anna—I know you've loved Harry from day one, and I know stepping aside couldn't have been easy. I wish I'd known at the time. Maybe then, I could've been the one to step aside.

And Harry—this may shock you—but I've realised Anna is your soulmate. I know you love me and I know our relationship was genuine, but I truly believe you were lead to me, so that you could eventually find your way to Anna.

I've been watching you both this last few weeks. The evil glares and the snide remarks. They're all followed up with this look of longing. And in the strangest way imaginable, it doesn't make me jealous. It makes me... excited. In fact, it's a comfort to know that after I'm gone, you'll have each other.

I know your feelings might be confusing at first, and admitting them out loud is probably scary AF, but just go with it. Enjoy the fear. That awkward stage at the beginning is the best part.

Know that I'm happy for you both. So, so unbelievably happy! I only wish I could've told you in person, but I know something like this can't be rushed. I know if I'd said something sooner, it would've had the opposite effect.

You're both kinda stubborn like that.

Anyway, enjoy Berlin. Enjoy life. Enjoy each other.

And don't forget me.

I love you both so much.


Jen xo

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2022 ⏰

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