you get me so high

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For Amelia, she felt that being with Kai was a privilege; an experience that not many people deserved. She wasn’t even sure that she deserved it herself.

The two were laying in Kai's bed watching some show about a vet that Amelia wasn't the slightest bit interested in, but Kai was completely focused on the little cats pouncing about on the screen.

Amelia had completely zoned out of her thoughts until Kai draped their arm around Amelia’s waist. Suddenly, all Amelia could think about was their skin against hers. She turned slightly to look at them, and felt her breath catch a little. Kai's eyes were steadily trained on the television screen and they didn’t seem to notice Amelia's staring. Amelia was memorising the soft details of their face when she got caught on their lips. She’d had the absolute privilege of kissing those lips a couple times and right now it was all she could think about.

Kai had noticed the staring and turned to look at Amelia. “What?” they asked.

Amelia seemed to have caught herself and pulled her eyes away from their lips and focused on some spot on the blanket. “Oh, nothing. Sorry, I just zoned out.”

Kai knew that wasn’t true. They had noticed Amelia staring at their lips. They knew Amelia was thinking about kissing them again. They were aware of this because they want it, too. Badly, in fact, but they really weren’t sure. Amelia had always been a blind spot, a weak point. Kai usually gave into their urges and desires, but with Amelia they wanted to be more gentle. They didn't want to panic her or move too fast.

“Amelia?” Their voice was soft and Amelia loved the way her name sounded coming from their mouth.

“Yeah?” Amelia’s voice was a little weak as she noticed Kai shifting closer to her, entangling their legs.

“I'm going to kiss you, okay?”

Amelia felt something inside her snap. It was probably the dam holding back her desire for Kai. Now, those feelings came rushing out and she wasn’t sure what to do with them. Kai lay looking at her, waiting for her response.

“Please.” she said, her voice less than a whisper.

Kai tucked a strand of Amelia’s hair behind her ear and leaned closer. Amelia closed the distance between them and their lips met gently. Their movements were slow and calculating; both of them wanting to be careful with the other, not wanting to let on about their deeper desires for one another. Amelia's thumb caressed Kai's cheek, slowly causing them to sigh into the kiss. Kai then deepened the kiss, Amelia's innocent touches spurring them on.

Amelia’s soft lips kissing them with more than they had usually received when being kissed had been at the center of Kai’s thoughts as of late and they had been constantly thinking about kissing her lips again. When Amelia didn’t act, they knew that they would have to initiate it. They also knew from the way Amelia was slightly holding back that there was more that she wanted but was too afraid to ask for.

“Amelia?” Kai asked again.

“Yeah?” Her response whispered.

“Tilt your head to the side.” Amelia really felt her blood begin to rush at that. Of course, she wanted to do as they asked instantly, but she needed more restraint than that.

“Please.” They added.

Kai smiled and kissed Amelia's lips one more time. Kai let their lips kiss along Amelia’s jaw leaving slight red marks, noting how it made the girl shiver. Their lips made their descent to her neck where they pressed deeper kisses than before. Amelia’s breath was coming faster. It felt like champagne bubbles had entered her veins and she felt light fluttering all over her body. Kai ran their hand beneath the hem of Amelia's shirt and caressed her hip,  causing her to shift, their entangled legs running against one another softly.

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