Obsessed Much?

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"Paulyyyyyyyy!! Oh Paulyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!" Paul groaned. Of course she was coming today. Why wouldn't she be coming today?

Dawn ran onto the field, racing to get to Paul. Once she got to him, she stopped and put her hands on her knees, panting like crazy. "Paul- I came- *pant* to watch- your second *pant* to last- *pant* training- day!" She said through big pants.


Dawn cut him off. "Remember, it's just Dawn silly!" Paul cleared his throat, "PRINCESS, I'm pretty sure you have better things to do right now." Dawn pouted. "But I want to watch YOUUUUU. Princess duties are so BORING and OVERRATED these days ya know? Besides, working all those princess things makes my tiny 6-year-old wrists hurt like badddd." Paul sighed. "Just...stay back."

"Okaaaayyyyyyyy!! Anything for you Paulyyyy." Paul groaned. Why wouldn't she just lay off? Dawn skipped to the benches and sat down, watching Paul with giddiness. Paul turned back to his opponent and began swinging his sword again. Dawn swung her feet on the bench. "Go get him Pauly! You can do it! You can beat him!" Paul swung around. "Princess! Be quiet!"

"Oh! Right! Sorry!" Dawn kept watching. Paul's training lasted for at least another 3 hours, and Dawn was starting to get bored. Not that she'd tell Paul that she was bored. She didn't want to seem weak or hurt his feelings. "I'm gonna go inside to get a snack!" She called out to Paul. "Ok," Paul responded, not looking at her.

Dawn got up from her seat and skipped back inside. Paul let out a sigh of relief. He didn't understand how a 6 year old could be in love with an 8 year old. He didn't understand how a 6-year-old would know what love is. Whatever it was, she was OBSESSED with him, and he really hated it. He really did. She wasn't a bad kid, she was just...weird.

Dawn didn't come back, so he assumed her Dad (the King) had sent her to bed. Just as he thought he was out of the woods, she came running back to the field. She ran up and kissed him on the cheek. He felt his face heat up. The other knights-in-training couldn't see this! It was bad enough they had to see Dawn fawning over him every single day during training, they didn't need to see this too!

Some of the training knights laughed and made kissing noises to one another. Paul's face hardened. "Princess, go back to your room." Dawn frowned. "Why?"

"BECAUSE YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!" Dawn was taken aback. She had never heard him yell before. "Paul..."

"No, Dawn. Go. NOW." Dawn was on the verge of tears. She ran away with surprising speed in slippers. Paul sighed. Great, he thought, I just made a 6-year-old princess cry. He decided to turn in for the night. At least...at least he'd be leaving in a couple of days.

Dawn collapsed on her bed and sobbed. Why wouldn't he accept her? Didn't he know that she loved him. She sniffled and snorted. She knew that he was going to go in a couple of days. He had to, he was one of the most skilled knights-in-training. That just made her sob even more. Dawn knew she wasn't supposed to be in love with a knight, but she couldn't help it, and she didn't want Paul to leave. She wanted him to stay. Dawn ended up crying herself to sleep, dreaming about her and Paul living together in a huge castle.

Dawn didn't leave her room the whole entire day. As much as she wanted to see Paul, she didn't want the scolding from her parents that she couldn't love him again. During the day, Dawn stayed in her room, punching whatever she could. Sneaking out of her room without being caught, she found one of the punching bags that the knights used.

She dragged it back to her room, grunting and panting.

"Phew!" She said as she dropped it on the ground. She looked around and found somewhere to hang it up. Punching it as hard as she can (she somehow already managed to hang it up), her fist turned red. "Ow.," she whispered. She said, shaking her hand. She started punching it again, but soon decided to stop because her hands were redder than a tomato. She collapsed on her bed and let out a long exaggerated sigh. Dawn heard the training going on outside and walked over to her window.

Like always, she swooned when he saw Paul with his sweat dripping down their outfits. She propped her elbows up on the window seat and kneeled down, keeping her eyes on Paul.

There was a knock at her door. Her best friend Chloe walked in and looked around the room. "Dawn! It's a mess in here!"

"I know, but isn't he beautiful?" She swooned, not looking at Chloe. Chloe shook her head but smiled. "Dawn, come on, help me clean this up."

"No." Chloe frowned. "Yes, Dawn. Or else-"

"Or else what?" Dawn asked, smirking. Chloe went red. "Shut up." Dawn giggled. She turned back to the knights and swooned again. Chloe joined her. "Isn't he adorable?" Chloe looked at her like she was insane. "Paul? Of course not! He's cute though..."

Dawn looked at her. "Who?" Chloe snapped out of it and shook her head. "Uh- uh no one," she stuttered. Dawn narrowed her eyes on her. Then they widened. "Oh my gosh! You have a crush on one of the knights-in-training!" Chloe's eyes widened. "Uh, no I don't!" Dawn giggled. "Yes, you do! Chloe has a cruuush. Chloe has a cruuush. Chloe has a CRUUUUUUSH!" Chloe shushed her.

"Okay, okay! Just keep it down, alright?" Dawn settled back down. "So, who is it??" she questioned with extreme curiosity. Chloe went beat red. "No! I'm not telling you! You're going to make fun of me!" Dawn pouted. "No I won't! How dare you accuse me of such a thing." Dawn tried to put on a mad face but couldn't help laughing. Chloe blushed. "See! You're just going to laugh at me!" Chloe folded her arms and turned away from Dawn.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But really, who is it?"

"Goh..." she said in a voice that Dawn couldn't hear. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Goh..." she whispered again. "Chloe, speak up!"

"GOH! That's who I like, OKAY?" Dawn blinked twice. "Oh, okay. Good for you." Chloe sighed. "I have to go now."

"Whaaaaaaat. You just got here thoughhhhhhhh." Chloe giggled. "I know, but my mommy told me only a little bit. Bye, bye Dawn!"

"Bye Chloeeeee!"

"Don't be too sad tomorrow!"

"I won't!" Chloe left the room. Dawn sighed. She was DEFINITELY going to be sad the next day. Dawn finally decided to do her stuff for the day. That included boring lectures about proper etiquette and poise. She liked to draw instead. She drew swords and shields all over her paper. Then she drew something else she had no idea what it was. She looked at it confusingly. The teacher walked around and stopped abruptly at her desk. Dawn looked at her. Her face was completely white. She pointed a shaky finger at the drawing.

"How did...When did...How do you...?" Dawn cocked an eyebrow and tilted her head. "Ma'am? What is it?" The teacher snatched the paper off of Dawn's desk. "Hey! That's mine!"

"You...I don't know HOW you know what this is enough to DRAW it? But I'm taking it away. Your class is over. Go back to your room, or go do something that little princesses do," the teacher hissed. Then she left the room. Dawn was even more confused than before. She got up and went to her room.

Laying down on her bed, she thought about the thing she drew. It was a tall creature that was a midnight blue color. It had a shimmering accent to it and was very intimidating. She didn't know how she knew what it was, but she just did. 

Princess Dawn and Dialga: An Ikarishipping StoryWhere stories live. Discover now