The Head

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Hands teetered messily out the car window, a million particles of dust hitting the boy's  skin at 60 miles an hour, not once concerning him. The pressed and pristine collar of his button up shirt fluttered gently against the second-hand breeze and in a way it calmed him. A sense of reality struck him each and every time the collar bumped his neck. He was indeed real and functioning in a true and non imagined society.

Smooth cords of the guitar wandered over his ear drums as the radio played quietly in the background. Hundreds of trees passed his sight every second and the occasional gas station or dead down greeted him with hopes that maybe his father would stop and allow Hanyu to stretch out his legs. They had been on the road for hours and he was fastly approaching his wits end.

"Roll the window up Hanyu," a gruff man's voice boomed from the driver's seat as his father reached out and gripped his wrist, pulling him back down into his seat and closing his only escape from actuality.

"We can't be letting people see inside." His father held back tears of frustration. Hanyu only nodded, slowly trying to remove his wrist from the older's red grip.

The blood had stained his hands and clothes and Hanyu wanted no part in the grotesque display, and in all honesty he didn't want anything anymore. He wanted simply to die.

Fear still shook his eyes as he took a burning look in the rear view, a gored figure laying limbless across the back seats. His own mother was lifeless behind him and he only had sense enough to keep from screaming and crying in front of his father.

"You understand why I had to do it don't you?" His father asked quietly but with an intense fervor. "Don't you!?"

Hanyu jumped slightly in his seat. He had no idea why his father would do such a thing, but he nodded nonetheless, too scared to see what would happen if he didn't. He kept a damn of tears building  behind his eyes, but never let a single one fall.

"She was- she was sleeping with that son of a bitch from the Harnish Club. I- Hanyu I had to kill her." He spoke loosely, unaware of how insane he really sounded.

Hanyu knew his father wasn't well...

But he also knew that his mother had indeed been sleeping with Mr. Peak from the Harnish Club.

"Now it's just you and me." He spat, wicked smile forming on his blood spattered face.

Hanyu stayed quiet.

"Where are we going?" He asked finally after hours of his vocal silence.

"Somewhere no one will ever bother us about her or you-"

The wheel jerked far to the left as the car swerved into the other lane, and a flash of what looked like everything Hanyu had ever done played before his eyes.

It was all silent, a ringing strong in his ear, but he couldn't move.

"Dad?" He said weakly, eyes finally opening. Red covered the inside of the car, staining every inch, including his white shirt. The sight of his father made his stomach churn, the body lacking its head. He didn't feel all together either. It wasn't long before Hanyu faded once again, the darkness enveloping him.

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