Chapter Twenty-Six

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"No, no, definitely the blue," Aureus said, looking at Joyce's outfit critically. "It matches your eyes better."


"Sure, sure."

Aureus was sitting cross-legged on the bed, helping Joyce get ready for her date. Wearing sweat pants and a t-shirt, Aur was tapping at her phone. "Smile!"

Joyce turned to be blinded by the light of the flash. "What was that for?"

"You said tonight was going to be special. I thought we should have a record of it," Aureus explained. "Plus, you're looking great."

Swinging back to the mirror, Joyce agreed. She was looking great. She'd recovered quickly from the surgery, faster than even she had anticipated, and for the first time, she was completely confident about herself. Aureus had even yelled at her for walking around half dressed, something that made Joyce laugh.

Then there was Tom. Ten dates in, and things were going very well indeed. They'd had their first kiss two weeks ago, and since then could barely keep their hands off each other, though they hadn't quite jumped into bed yet. Still, Joyce thought, as she gave her outfit one last look, I wouldn't exactly mind if we did.

It was weird, the wanting—the wishing to be touched, hoping to be kissed, wanting to be so close to another person. It wasn't as . . . violent, maybe, as she had thought it was going to be. It wasn't a need, it was a want, but very pleasant for all that. They were feelings she'd never had before, and they took some getting used to. But she thought she could handle it. She was definitely comfortable with her body, now, though whether or not she was ready for someone else to touch her was another thing. Nothing to do but wait and see, she thought. She grinned at herself.

"Think he'll like it?" she asked Aureus, referring to her new outfit.

"He'll love it," said Aureus. "And if he doesn't, he's an idiot."

"Aur," Joyce said, coming to sit on the bed next to her friend. "Do you think . . .? I mean . . . what if he . . . um . . ."

"Ah," said Aureus. "Sex?"

Joyce felt herself blush and nodded.

"I think if you're ready, and you want to, then you should do whatever you desire," Aureus told her. "Be safe, and don't be afraid to change your mind. But Tom is a great guy. He's loving and generous and funny, and if you really like him, go for it. I'm your biggest supporter, whatever you choose to do."

Joyce smiled. "Thanks," she said. "Have you ever wanted to . . . you know?"

Aureus rolled her eyes. "Of course. But I haven't. I'm happy to keep it for when it really matters."

"You'll find your Tom," Joyce told her. "You're beautiful and smart and kind and everything. There's someone out there for you."

"I'm beginning to wonder," Aureus said, getting up from the bed. "And you'd better get out of here, or you're going to be late."

"Fashionably late," Joyce said. "But you're right. Wait up for me?"

"Of course. We'll need to dissect the evening, won't we?" Aureus said, smiling. "You look fantastic. Go on. Get out. I'll be here expecting you."


The restaurant was discreet, a little hole-in-the-wall place where the waiter left you alone until your plate was empty. Joyce cut into her steak, savoring the rich aroma. Tom had been strange all evening, and she could tell there was something on his mind. She knew better than to push him; he'd speak when he was ready.

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