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"don't kill me, just help me run away..."  the yellow-haired male reasoned breathlessly. given his current position, his life came down to his words. a knife pressed to his neck, his hair dirty and disheveled, much like the rest of his body. his arms, restrained to a chair as his legs hung freely. he wasn't stupid enough to you anything with them though. the scars lining his body were enough to keep him still.

after his first day, he came to the conclusion that this girl was insane. she loved to cut him, scar his previously perfect flesh. she would even sit and watch the crimson liquid dry as he whimpered in pain, holding back tears. this though wasn't one of those times, that he knew. this time, his life was at stake, more so then usual.

"help you run away?" she cocked at eyebrow at his odd request, and in her state of confusion slid her knife down to his chest, resting it there. "what do you mean?"

his breath hitched as the cold metal trailed down his skin. he hadn't come up with anything to say back to that. in all honesty, he thought she would've killed him by now, or the blood loss would've done the job for her.

"do you want to be here?" he answered her question with another, getting a small chuckle from the female.

"why should i tell you?" she challenged. despite just how weak he was, his way with words had always piqued her interest. she moved her knife back up, pressing it to his throat. she felt him tremble under her touch, watching the small nick she created leave blood to trickle down his neck.

denki had been wondering if this was a game to her, if his life was nothing more then a pawn in some grand game she had planned. his breathing gradually became more ragged at the thought, as his nerves grew.

it was a likely scenario, given just how sick, sadistic, and twisted she was.

his thoughts were interrupted by the knife intruding deeper into his skin. he was so afraid he couldn't mange to merely slip out a breath, let alone answer the females question.

"our time here is up anyway." she spoke in annoyance, rolling her eyes at the cowardly boy and his lack of a timely answer. her knife trailed up to his chin, bringing his previously brought down head back up, forcing his eyes to lock with hers. his eyes held fear and strength, glossed over with pure submissiveness. he was completely at the leagues power, he had accepted that by now. he hadn't given up hope though. much like the female who stood in front of him, he also had a pawn to use.

"y/- i mean the other girl will be here to clean you up soon, but in the meantime..." the blond hair girl lowered her head down to his throat, lapping up the crimson substance in desperation. she had been blood deprived lately since she had recent been forbidden to take blood from other league members. this fragile boy didn't have much blood left to give do her though, and she found his blood bitter and overall unpleasant. she had no choice though. she couldn't go without blood.

denki remained motionless as toga "cleaned" him, having been used to the disgusting process by now. he couldn't escape the grimace that found its way onto his face every time though.

a small cough emerged from the doorway as the two pairs of eyes shifted to look at the origin of the noise.

"am i interrupting something?" unbeknownst to kaminari, toga's eyes seemed to light up at the presence of the smaller female. "you're here!" toga exclaimed, leaping off of the electric quirk user. the blonde embraced her in a hug, as the other female was left with no choice but to hug back.

"let's talk later, i have work to do now." she reminded the blond, glancing behind her at toga's "toy" as she would call him.

y/n had pitied kaminari from the start. he seemed to be about 20, and to be kidnapped by the league at that age was a rare feat. he had so much to figure out, so much of his life left to live. she wasn't sure if he would get to live it though, once shigaraki and dabi started visiting him as well. it was hard enough to clean his wounds after toga's visits after all, burn wounds and decaying flesh would be practically impossible.

she didn't know much about him though, or the reason the league chose to take this perfectly normal man to torture. she's learned better then to question though, if she did she would receive the same fate as him.

"okay! have fun!" toga exclaimed, skipping carelessly out of the room, as if she hadn't left a frail, traumatized boy in her wake. y/n closed the door and approached said boy, remorse evident in her face.

she stood in front of him, flipping back a tuft of his golden disheveled hair, only to reveal more scratches.

"those are healing nicely..." she murmured, and the feeling of her hot breath against his beaten skin relaxed him. "are you okay?" she questioned, almost rhetorically.

"i'm as okay as i can be." he chuckled, yet there was no humor in his voice. she pulled out different supplies to clean his abundant wounds as he prepared himself for another round of pain.

"hey..." he spoke softly, and his low yet sweet voice rung through y/n's ears as she responded with a simple 'yeah?'

"what's your name?"

it was a relatively simple question, but she found herself choked on her words. she let out a small squeak as she turned herself around to grab a previously wetted towel.

"why?" she asked, returning to face him. she dabbed the towel over his neck wound, smearing the pungent blood around.

he winced under her touch, but calmed himself as her delicate fingers moved to caress his cheek. distracted from his pain, he searched for his response, eventually vocalizing it.

"don't you think i should know the name of the pretty lady who helps me?" he tries, only to be answered with a small laugh.

"on the verge of death and still a flirt i see, kaminari." she speaks, having cleared the blood away.

he shoots her a lopsided, forced grin. "always. tell me your name now?" he repeats, his desperation making the small girl chuckle.

"y/n. don't say it around the others though, you aren't supposed to know." she tells, soaking a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol to apply to his wound.

y/n was supposed to keep her entire involvement in the league secret. unlike them, she had a life outside of these walls. she had a boyfriend, relatives, parents, friends, she had just gotten involved with the wrong people. or more specifically...


1161 words!! this is my first time writing a story based on a song, or writing one with strong themes of violence... it's more fun then i expected though! i'll try to update soon :)  thank you for reading!

"i am just a freak..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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