⎯⎯ ✧・゚What You Guys Do Together

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Andrea- Although many see Andrea as a studious person, this girl loves sight seeing. And California, Los Angeles! A bunch of sight seeing you guys would go all over the city. You guys would take the subway and take pictures in Hollywood stars. Beaches, studios, art work, you guys would see it all.

Brandon- So Brandon, he doesn't really go out but when he does there road trips. He would drive to San Francisco, Big Bear, and sometimes San Diego and he would always ask you to come. Sometimes you guys would miss a day or two of school but it didn't matter there was just something so wonderful about long drives with Brandon you enjoy.

Brenda- Brenda loves going to see movies, musicals, or theatre productions. She love seeing new block busters and she would invite you with her because honestly she didn't feel like Kelly or Donna had the tolerance for a French musical. You guys would go see a whole bunch of things which would widen your love for different kinds of movies.

David- Ok so you guys would sneak into the hotter parties obviously not clubs but ya. It was your job to find out where and when there were sorority parties where happening and then sneak into them. David found his love of DJing at a college party when the DJ said he had an emergency and had to leave he just told David to figure it out and he did. You would just tag along. Duhh! Cute college girls and boys!!! No one would pass that.

Donna- Donna loved to go to shopping but not clothes shopping. You guys would go to the mall or street markets. She had a thing with spending money but not to much. She would take you to all her favorite stores. Her favorite kind of stores were book or movie stores. She would constantly rent movies and you always saw new books.

Dylan- Dylan he love the beaches also restaurants. You would always go with him to watch him surf. You wouldn't dare surf. You guys would lay down in the sand together and look at the sunset or sunrise. Always waking up early to go to the beach. Dylan being really passionate about surfing. He love the sea salt smell. After you guys would go grab a bite. You were the one to introduce him to the peach pit. He hit it off with the owner Nat. Now thats where you guys would go you both love it there.

Kelly- She love shopping, she would drag you to the most expensive places and buy the most branded or trending clothing. She could shop all day unlike you, you get tired and constantly tell her you need to sit down. If it wasn't shopping she like to walk around and buy an ice cream unless she was on a diet she would just carry water and you guys would walk over Beverly Hills enjoying the buildings, artwork, and sometime the people.

Steve- Kinda of like David he love to party. But the difference he would go to the hottest club. He would always invite his favorite party person. Which was you of course. He would always love to dance and just pure fun. When he wasn't going to parties he was throwing them and making money of course. He needed you because you were most likely gonna be the one running the part after Steve gets caught and starts to get lost in his party.

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