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Eva's POV:
I quickly finished my chocolate chip pancakes-Yum!-said good bye to my mom and went to my car to drive to school.
~skip car ride~
I walked into school with my head held high as I made my way to my locker.
Lainey was already there. She' my best friend. She's always been there for me.
"Hey" I said.
"Hey is for horses" Lainey smirked, "but anyways get your books quickly so we can start hell...well in other terms Math class"
"Ok" I replied as I got my math shit from my locker.
But fate was not on my side as Jax walked by throwing a pencil at me, dropping my books, and calling me a loser in the process.
Lainey flipped him off and helped me get my books."Thanks, I don't know what is do without you"
"Ya ya thank me later, just get to class before that bitch shows up again but this time with the barbies"
I laughed as we walked to class.
I had a few more classes and now it was lunch time.
I really don't wanna go through this shit anymore, but I'm not gonna give Jax the satisfaction of knowing that his words hurt me.
One day I'm gonna say "Words hurt, bitch" to his face and then I'm gonna throw a dictionary at him to prove it.
But that's for another day. Now I'm just worrying about getting through lunch.

Max and Lainey waved me towards our table. Max was my other friend. He was a jock though. But he still hung out with us...I guess it's cuz he's just as weird as we are.

If you're thinking Jax is a jock, you're wrong. He's just filthy rich and puts on the bad boy act. So cliche. Like bitch where did you get that idea from...its not like you see it everywhere(note sarcasm).
I don't even know why the fuck he bullies me. At least with Max around it never got too physical. But, as I've said before, WORDS HURT. And they hurt so much, I cut. A cut for a word-fair trade isn't it.

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