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Warmth. There is so much warmth surrounding Chan.

Like a large blanket of comfort, coming in the shape of a mischievous little dancer named Lee Minho.

It’s nearly 3 AM. He and Minho have been lying in bed for the past 6 hours. Somewhere between their conversation, their movie marathon, and their kisses, Minho was able to fall asleep.

Chan doesn’t mind being restless, because as long as he’s with Minho he feels rested in the morning.

Minho stirs in his sleep, making Chan tilt his head to more easily catch the way his features scrunch up against Chan’s chest.

“Channie…” Minho’s voice is quiet and rough, and his eyes are still closed, but Chan feels extremely fond at the way he's calling for him half asleep.

“Hmm?” Chan hums to let him know he’s listening, enjoying the sight of Minho attempting to get closer to him at the warm vibrations.

“Tired.” Minho is mumbling, barely opening his mouth to get his words out, but Chan doesn’t mind.

“Sleep baby.” Chan runs a hand up and down Minho’s back, soothing him as he squirms around on top of Chan.

“Wanna kisses.” Minho’s words don’t make any sense, grammar thrown out the window in his tired state, but Chan thinks he might explode with fondness.

“C’mere love.” Chan leans down and pulls Minho closer so that they aren’t straining their necks too harshly.

Chan kisses him softly, just a peck against Minho’s sleep-chapped lips, but Minho goes in for more, leaving small pecks on and around Chan’s lips, missing his target occasionally.

“Min.” Chan chuckles and pushes him back, staring at him with a smile so fond he can feel his face begin to hurt.

“Dimples.” Minho’s eyes shine prettily under the light the open window is letting in, the moonlight casting at just the right angle to make Chan fall in love all over again.

Chan doesn’t get another word in before Minho is leaning in again, kissing all over his face now.

Chan feels so warm, the traces of Minho’s lips tingling against his skin, burning him like a glorious fire.

Minho kisses his lips first, lingering and inhaling deeply before moving on to his dimples. He gently places his lips on each side of Chan’s cheeks, moving on to kissing the tip of his nose, and up to leave fond pecks across his forehead, not leaving an inch of his face untouched, unloved.

Chan feels like his chest is caving in on him, yet exploding at the same time.

It’s such a beautiful feeling.

“Still tired?” Chan giggles when Minho pulls away, opting to ignore the way his entire body is burning up with the way Minho is treating him.

“Mmh, need more.” Minho leans in and kisses him again, this time deeper, but still just as sweet and fond.

Chan can feel the way Minho is trying to put all his affection into the kiss, and he reciprocates, trying to tell Minho that his feelings match his, that they are just as intense and burning under his skin, bursting through everytime Minho is even in the same room as him.

They melt together, creating a drip painting on their sheets, a beautiful sight special only for them to behold.

Chan has never felt so much before. So much love, so much want, so much need. Nor has he felt so loved, needed, and wanted.

Minho matches him perfectly, like a burning flame keeping each other warm in the endless storm that is the world.

Minho pulls back from the kiss, breathing heavily, keeping his eyes closed and resting his forehead against Chan’s.

Neither of them speak, they just simply exist together, the colors that create them mixing together to form an art piece.

Chan laughs lightly and kisses Minho, a soft peck on the lips again.

“Words…” Minho inhales and exhales heavily, his voice quivering. “Words can’t describe how much I love you.”

Chan chuckles and pulls his boyfriend close, overwhelmed with emotion. “It’s ok baby, you don’t need to say it.”

Minho attempts to get closer again, holding Chan equally as tight and placing kisses everywhere he can reach.

They're both bursting at the seams, bleeding out onto each other with so much raw emotion, nothing holding it back anymore.

Minho hums as he leaves his burning kisses everywhere, putting all the energy he has left into letting Chan know how he feels.

They stay tangled together, not a single word uttered between them.

The atmosphere is beautiful, swirling around in the air and creating a galaxy out of their love for each other.

Chan falls asleep eventually, pulling Minho back onto his chest and kissing him until sleep takes over.

It’s Minho’s turn to admire Chan, mapping out everything he loves of the warm familiar face, and leaving one last kiss on his lips before he is falling asleep too, completely content.

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