Part 9

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( You guys are probably getting sick of reading this but I can't spell and I'm tired sooo- don't mind the many many mistakes)


Mia: "Who are you?!l
???: "Hello?"
Mia: "I said. WHO. ARE. YOU?!"
???: "Jeez calm down."

I grabbed a random object from behind me and pointed it at their face

???: "A... rubber duck?"

I turned to lol at the item and then threw it behind me.
I grabbed another and did the same thing again.

???: "Jeez calm down crazy lady. Put down the damn frying pan."
Mia: "Not until you tell me who you are."
???: "Well until you remove the frying pan how do I know you aren't trying to kill me?"
Mia: "Ok fine I'll drop the frying pan just tell me who you are."

I dropped it but kept stance in case they tried anything sneaky.

???: "I'm Venus!"
Mia: "Venus? Isn't that a pl"-
Venus: "Yeah I know it's  a planet. Well done genius."

Mia: "Sorry! Hehe?"Venus: "Anyways, who are you?"Mia: "I'm Mia

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Mia: "Sorry! Hehe?"
Venus: "Anyways, who are you?"
Mia: "I'm Mia."

Mia: "Wait why are you locked in here?"
Venus: "Wait yeah why am I?- I completely forgot about that."
Mia: "I- How?"
Venus: "Oh yeah! I was chilling in the daycare when I fell asleep but somebody brought me in here and locked me up!"
Mia: "Wait how long were you asleep until?"

Venus stopped for a good minute at least to think.

Venus: "Probably about an hour ago ish? That's when I woke up and found out I was in here!"
Mia: "Oh so you probably won't have seen River then?"

Venus looked at me really confused

Venus: "Who is river? Wait... is there other people here with us?!"
Mia: "Yeah! Actually.... There is 5 of us!"
Mia: "Hehe yeah..."

I looked around to see a small vent on the floor behind me

Mia: "Hey Venus look at this!"

Venus turned around to see what I was looking at and started lightly pressing against it

Venus: "If we carefully remove this without making too much sound, we can probably escape without being caught!"
Mia: "Great idea let's go!"

Venus carefully removed the vent cover to the side and crawled inside of the vent.

Venus: "Cmon! We don't have all day!"

Venus was quite a bit smaller than me so they would obviously be able to fit.

Mia: "Are you sure that I can fit? You know since your a bit..... how do I put this?.....shorter than me?"

Still shorter then me.

Mia: "Alright but be quiet! They may hear us!"
Venus: "Sorry! Anyways yeah you will fit! Cmon!"

I hesitantly squeezed inside the vent. It was tight but I could still fit.

I knew Chica and Vanessa would be back quite soon to check on us, so I decided to use the vent cover and loosely attach it to the vent.
It didn't look amazing but it was convincing enough that they probably wouldn't find us.

Me and Venus crawled around in the vents for a while until one vent came loose underneath us!
Venus almost fell really far down but luckily I caught them just in time!

That was so close! Phew!

Venus: "I nearly died! Omg."

I was just barely clinging onto the vents when I slipped! Luckily Venus has reached the bottom so they could catch me too!

Mia: "Where are we?"

Me and Venus turned left and right to figure out where we had landed.
Venus: "I think we are at the main stage area?"
Mia: "Oh yeah!"
Venus: "I remember what happened this morning with Freddy!"
Mia: "Yeah that was horrible!"
Venus: "I know right!"

I starred at Venus for a few seconds before asking

Mia: "Wait how old are you? You look younger than me?"
Venus: "Oh yeah! I'm 12! I thought you were too?"
Mia: "Nope I'm 14!"
Venus: "Oop-"

A minute later

Venus: "Hahaha! That's so embarrassing!"
Mia: "Hey it's not funn"-

We were interrupted by a loud bang on the ceiling where the vents were

???: "AAAAAAH"-

Somebody fell through the ceiling before Venus caught them

Mia: "RIVER?!"
Venus: "Who?"
River: "Hey-"
Venus: "Who are you?"
River: "I don't know who are you?"

Mia: "Ok before this just turns into who are you and who are you let me introduce you too each other."
Mia: "River this is Venus"
Mia: "Venus this is River"

River: "Hey Venus!"
Venus: "You look weird-"
River: "I am weird."
Venus: "Omg sameeeeee!"

A few seconds later, Rebecca crawled out of the vent above us and down onto the floor

How did she not just die?-

Rebs: "Heyyyyyy"
Rebs: "Who is that-?"
Mia: "Rebs that's Venus!"
Mia: "Venus that's Rebecca!"

Venus: "Hey Rebecca!"
Rebs: "You can just call me Rebs"
Venus: "Alright cool!"
Venus: "You are very tall."
Rebs: " And you are very short."
Venus: "I AM NOT SHORT!"
Rebs: "Yes"
Venus: "No!"
Rebs: "Yes!"
Venus: "Noo!"

Welp they are going to be going at that for a while.... Let's go find the othe-

I couldn't even finish my thoughts before somebody knocked the door down!
It was Pandora!

Pandora: "Hiiiii! I heard you guys but I didn't know how to get i"-
Pandora: "Ok-who is that?!"
Venus: "Who are you?"
Pandora: "I'm you."
Venus: "No I'm me."
Pandora: "No I'm you."
Venus: "I thought I was me."
Pandora: "No my name is literally you."
Venus: "That's really confusing-?"
Pandora: "JK my name is Pandora."
Venus: "Hahaha welp I'm Venus."

Rebs: "What just happened?"
River: "I have no clue-?"
Mia: "Me neither."

I'm so confused? Also how did Pandora hear us? We were legit being super quiet? Anyways doesn't matter. We are all here now.

Rebs: "Oh anyways Mia how are you alive? I thought Chica was killing you when you started screaming "LEAVE ME ALONE DEMON CHICKEN" or something like that"-
Mia: "Oh yeah I got kidnapped by Chica and that's how I met Venus!"
River: "Why does that sound romantic?"
Venus: "Ooh la la"-
River: "Shut up Venus!"
Mia: "Yeah shut up Venus"
Venus: "Wait-"

River covered Venus' mouth and told Venus to shut up.

Venus: "Yup I got the point."
Pandora: "I ship"-
Mia: "Shut up Pandora!

We all laughed and made jokes for a few minutes

But then all of a sudden we heard clanging metal in the vents.

Mia: "Ummm guys"-

We could tell that this was not a human.


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