The Backrooms Level 0

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I open my eyes, and the harsh light above me is momentarily blinding. I shut them again, squinting against the brightness, and take a deep breath. The smell of damp fills my nose and I gag. I hold a hand in front of my eyes and sit up. I open my eyes and look around, but all that greets me is a moldy-looking yellow wallpaper. It is peeling in the corners, and behind it I can see a dirty brown wall. The stench of rot and damp still fills my nose, and I scrunch it up in disgust. It makes me feel a bit ill. I push myself into a kneeling position, and I feel rough carpet beneath my hands. It's quite like the kind you might find in your grandmother's house. A soft buzzing fills the air and I look around, trying to locate the source. I realize that it is coming from the sickly white fluorescent lights above my head, and I frown. It's very annoying. I suddenly notice a red light in the corner of my eye and snap my head around. A security camera blinks down at me, and I spring to my feet. I begin to wave frantically, hoping against hope that someone will see me, but despite my efforts, it only watches me, a silent Spector to my pleas. I look around frantically, and I see people around me. They look as confused and disorientated as I feel, and I make my way over to a pretty blond woman crouching on the floor.

"Hey." I say softly, and she jumps a little.

"Hi." She responds, as she continues to study a small patch of wallpaper that is curling away from the wall.

"Do you know where the hell we are?" I ask, and she looks at me calmly.

"Not a clue." She says and turns her attention away from me. I walk away from her and take a seat on that rough carpet, studying my surroundings intently. There are many hallways branching off of the room we are all in. Cameras blink down from all corners of the room. The people sitting, lying and standing around the room look just as worried as I am. There is a dark hallway on the opposite end of the room, and I notice that people are keeping away from it.

"Does anyone know what the hell is going on?" Someone calls, and people begin to whisper amongst them elves.

"No idea!" Someone calls back, and everyone falls silent.

"Wait, what's that?"

I have no idea where the voice is coming from but follow everyone's gaze and see that words appear to be engraved into the wall behind me. I scramble away from them quickly.

Find the exit.

That's all they say. Just three simple words. But it lights a spark of hope somewhere deep in my chest. So there is an exit.

I get up and wander around, trying to decide which hallway to go down first. I choose one and begin to wander, and after a moment, I hear people beginning to follow me. I walk further and further, but the scenery doesn't change. Just the same yellow wallpaper and buzzing lights. Occasionally I will pass a hallway or a room with someone in it, but for the most part I am alone. Despite my fear, it's quite peaceful. Every so often I will pass that black hallway, but I walk quickly past. The darkness makes me nervous. But I keep wandering and it eventually seems that I might just have to face the inevitable truth. There may be something in that hallway that I am meant to find. I take a deep breath, close my eyes partially, and walk forward. The darkness engulfs me, and the buzzing suddenly stops. The quiet presses down on me like a physical weight, but I keep walking. I walk for what feels like hours, until I see a light ahead and walk towards it. It spits me out into another plain yellow hallway, and I let out a sigh of exasperation. I pick a hallway at random and walk down it. It leads to another hallway, and that cuts off into a small room. I walk in and turn around, and my eyes fly wide. There is a moving black space on the wall. I reach out a finger and touch it gently, and I feel a pulling on the front of my shirt as I am sucked into the wall. 

A/N: This is not a real story. I will try and update as regularly as I can, hopefully once a day, but maybe once every three two five days. I hope you enjoy! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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