andrew finds ryan and kisses him and they get married and have 8346589346592875843765961096589436y780942t6598036t8934t78346578634t8796875637856t73865478436t5784657834657863458613849765783465783645783468975364758634785618937456871346578143657893146581364578934568976347856293865934658934657083465783164589346956793467984167891657893465789346589365981651097823456078964587314657893146578934678435968793145617893046578913406715347545476756476457645764576587564764538sextrillion etc kids. the kids die somehow and andrew and ryan farts in their graveyard, the graveyard was garnished with diapers r that they collected. andrew garlic and ryan garlic lived a happy life after their kids died. mr and mrs garlic cried as for his beautiful actions n's suddenly ate the car and left to meet jojo swia.
vfgh hj