Bread Feud

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Note: This entire chapter is from Akane's point of view!
I, Ranma, and Kururugi are sitting at the table discussing Ryoga.
Ranma is in his female form right now.
Also, Kururugi refuses to transform.
She hasn't transformed once since Ranma started staying with us.
"Well, Ranma? Just what did you do to this Ryoga?" I ask Ranma.
"Believe me, I wish I knew!" says Ranma.
"You must have taken bread from him when you were both still in school!" says Kururugi thoughtfully.
"That or you ran to China!" says Kururugi continuing her thought.
My brother really is smart, unlike Ranma.
My brother is really good at hiding his transformations, unlike Ranma.
Kururugi can freely change from male to female and back again whenever he wants.
I haven't asked Kururugi, but he probably wants to play the transformation by circumstance.
Kasumi is coming down the hall with a letter.
"Ranma, there's a letter for you. From a boy named Ryoga Hibiki."
Kasumi says this as she hands the letter to Ranma.
Ranma opens the letter.
It's a challenge letter.
Ranma's trying to figure out what he did!
"Kururugi's right! You must have done something! Did you steal Ryoga's bread or run off to China with your dad?" I say to Ranma.
"It's not the bread!" says my adorable, innocent sibling.
In case you forgot, Kururugi is the only person that can't be blackmailed by my sister, Nabiki.
She extorts money or sells things that should not be sold, such as pictures of someone working out, or of someone sleeping.
It wasn't that long ago that she tried to sell pictures of me and Ranma to Kuno.
"Ranma, you must have run to China with your father! He probably followed you all the way to China! All the way to Jusenkyo!" says Kururugi in amazement.
"How could someone with no sense of direction follow someone all the way to China? That has got to be a miracle!" says Kururugi in more amazement.
"Ranma! It says the date of your dual was yesterday!" I say to Ranma.
"No problem. That guy's got the world's worst sense of direction. Right now he's probably asking somebody..." says Ranma.

Amazingly, one whole week passed without incident.
At the end of that week.
Ranma and Ryoga are staring each other down in the middle of the field.
Everyone in the school has come to spectate this match.
See even though I fought every morning before class, actual fights one on one were quite rare.
Kururugi is calmly sitting on the ground next to me, looking like she is ready to jump in for Ranma at any moment.
See, even though Kururugi is the most powerful martial artist I have ever seen, television or otherwise, she hates seeing people get hurt.
To complement her desire, she has the ability to heal any injury, no matter how bad it is.
Recently she healed Ranma's face when she found out that Kasumi was coming over to Doctor Tofu's place to give something to Doctor Tofu.
She had no intention of healing Ranma, no matter how sorry she was, if Doctor Tofu could make Ranma better.
She abandoned that mentality when she saw Kasumi was going to visit Doctor Tofu's.
So, anyway, Ranma and Ryoga are going to have their match.
"So, finally had the guts to show up!" says Ryoga.
Kururugi is squirming in her seat.
"Ryoga... Kururugi had a theory. She thought it was either a bread feud or..." says Ranma.
"Enough chatter!! I attack!!" says Ryoga while sending rapid blows with his umbrella.
Kururugi looks worried as she looks at the umbrella as she says; "That has got to be heavy! One solid hit with the umbrella, and lights out for Ranma!"
"Wait a minnit! What's this about?" says Ranma jumping and dodging Ryoga's blows.
"Thanks to you ----I have seen Hell!!" says Ryoga attacking furiously with the umbrella.
"What are you talking about...? Oh no!" says Ranma.
"Do you truly believe that mere words can convey the depths of my suffering?!" says Ryoga as he then throws the umbrella after opening it in a spiral pattern across the field landing next to me and Kururugi.
The fight has escalated, but I'm not watching that... Kururugi has gotten up from her seat and has started to walk over to the umbrella that left large impact marks on the field where it contacted the ground.
One of the male students reaches for the umbrella.
"Yow! What's with this umbrella?! This thing weighs a ton!" says the male student struggling to lift the umbrella one inch.
I with most of my effort lift the umbrella from the ground.
Then I put it down.
Ryoga can lift this with one hand.
This is no even match!
"Ranma! Don't stay in close to him! Stay out of his reach!" I say to Ranma.
As I am saying this, Kururugi reaches with one hand for the umbrella.

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