☆59. Letting off☆

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Jimin and Jungkook were now looking at each other with just their eyes screaming thousands of numerous questions left to be answered. "Jimin don't be silent.... please speak to me" Jungkook blurts out getting tensed.

"Is there anything left for me to speak ? My whole life...what should I think about it and to be exactly tell me what's the conclusion of my life, answer me Jeon Jungkook" Jimin just simply says making Jungkook to gulp down. But deep down inside Jungkook clearly feels and understands how Jimin might be feeling right now, silently he just rushes towards his baby and without any exchange of useless words Jungkook embraced Jimin tightly in his arms giving him the most comforting hug which Jimin needs right now.

"He...he your husband Min yoongi is the one to give me birth and that was really not enough that the so called pathetic fate had to slap me hard !!! Kim Taehyung that ba.....bastard is my biological father. Fucking shit I can't even blame why ? Because he is diagnosed with some brain shit disease !! Why is this happening please answer me ?" Jimin shouts angrily in his bone chilling scary voice but suddenly his dragon like almond eyes had water droplets in them. The beast was breaking down and he clutches himself tightly to his lovers chest and bursts down. Seeing this Jungkook's heart began to ache terribly. He couldn't withstand seeing his Jimin like this.

"Jimin listen to me please what happened has already passed, we can't change it now matter what you or I do. Sometimes we've to just go with the flow for thr better days to come baby. I know it's very hard for you to see all these but please hold on to me and try to be stable" Jungkook says in his soft hushed voice while placing small forehead kisses on the crown of Jimin's forehead.

Jungkook gently pulls him towards their bed and places Jimin's head on his lap in the most comforting position and begins to run his hands through Jimin's locks and messages his head in a soothing way. "Jimin I know what yore thinking right now. You won't be able to forgive your parents after what you've been through I understand. But baby they're suffering enough and I've seen the guilt and the grief they always have for losing you." Jungkook continues while Jimin listens to him without any interruptions.

"We humans have very short life Jimin, I'm not saying you to let everything aslide. They're your parents baby and I really think even if they were wrong you should forgive them. As a child it's our duty to always make them happy. Jimin.... few kids in this world also comes across the situation where they've to sacrifice their true love for their parents just to make them happy. Please remember they might be wrong sometimes... but don't forget you're breathing in this world just because of your parents. Be disrespectful to anyone, be cruel to whom you should be. Behave however you want but never hate your parents they're the biggest blessing one could ever have. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say Jimin" Jungkook said and engulfed Jimin in his chest and switched off the night lamp while pulling the duvets to cover their bodies. He knows that Jimin's should be calm right now if not the situation will get worst.

Meanwhile Jimin began to think on Jungkook's words his daddy is somewhat right. He can hate anyone in this entire world but hating your parents is just absurd. Jimin knows what yoongi had done was absolutely wrong and unacceptable but until when he can hate his parents ? A day would come where he won't be even able to see them alive. So why not just live with them and cherish the time what they have left with each other as a family.

On the other hand Kim Taehyung Jimin's real father is already suffering from that disease what else could Jimin expect now ? The way he is now isn't in his control his father's other personality V is doing all of it. Before he didn't knew the truth but now Jimin knows it's not the porr man's fault. Instead of hating his parents Jimin thinks shouldn't he care for them ? Give both of them the love they deserve from their child. Ofcourse they weren't able to provide the love of a parent to Jimin but he can provide them right ? . And where does revenge exist when it comes to your parents even the Mafia beast inside him slides down infront of this beautiful bond a child have with parents. The devil inside Jimin can't control him when it comes to Jeon Jungkook those words what his lover has said him were absolutely right.
With these thoughts Jimin decides to sleep in his lovers embrace.

End of Chapter

A/n : I'm sorry the Chapter wasn't good  🤧 but upcoming chapters will have freaky Jikook romance & many more interesting things to come.

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