Ch 1 [Hero No More]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Tatsumi:"I'm in persuit!"

Najenda:"Damnit Tatsumi, i told you to wait for backup!"

Tatsumi:"And waste a chance to take this guy down? Hell no, this asshole has to pay for his crime's!"

I was currently in persuit of a largly known gang leader of who we've been hunting for month's with full know how what he was planning next, i couldn't let him escape the city and hurt another family, he has to die.

I was currently in persuit of a largly known gang leader of who we've been hunting for month's with full know how what he was planning next, i couldn't let him escape the city and hurt another family, he has to die

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Tatsumi:"You can't escape me coward!"

Hitoshi:"Hit the gas, he's closing in!"

Thug:"Yes boss!"

Tatsumi:(I don't think so.):"-


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Using my spear i split his escape vehicle in two giving myself the chance to put him down for good.

Tatsumi:"So, you're the infamous Hitoshi? I thought you'd be taller in person."

Hitoshi:"Damn you, if you think i'm scared you couldn't be anymore wrong!"

Tatsumi:"I don't want you to be scared, but i'll show you just how scary i can be asshole."

I threw him to the ground and started punching him in the face repeatedly, with the steel knuckle's on my armor i slowly started caving in his face, by the time the boss had gotten there he was already dead and my armor was covered in his blood, the news people had shown up and instantly started asking her question's thinking she was the one who killed him, and once again someone else got all the credit for my success.

After a couple minute's we were able to get back to our base and of course i was in to get scolded.

Najenda:"What the hell were you thinking!?"

Tatsumi:"That bastard has been selling children off to god know's where for year's he had to be dealt with."

Mine:"That doesn't mean we can just kill criminal's, we're heroes and we have to follow the rule's."

Bulat:"Everyone calm down, i know why he did it i would have done the same thing if i was there."

Lubbock:"Everyone please stop yelling, the guy is still new let him get used to the rule's before you start screaming at him."

Lubbock's really the only one i have respect for, he's like the voice of reason on the team, he know's i'm only human and sometime's i let my emotion's blind me.

Leone:"Guy's can we just not do this, we should be celibrating that we just took down a big time gang leader."

Najenda:"Give me a minute Leone, listen Tatsumi if you can't control your emotion's then you shouldn't be a hero at all."

Her word's were like knive's being forced into my back but if that's how she felt i couldn't change her view.

Tatsumi:"Ya know what, you're right."

I grabed my necklace that held the gem to my armor and put it on a table and started out of the base.

Lubbock:"C'mon man you can't just up and quit, what about all the good time's we've had?"

Tatsumi:"When the boss learn's that we're only human i'll come back but until then i can't stay, everytime i've had a successful mission the credit's been given to the bigger heroes, i'm the black sheep of the group and it show's, sorry Lub but...adios."

I walked back home where i would be spending another evening completely alone, my parents weren't there as per usual they worked almost 24/7 the most i ever saw of them was a phone call on the rare chance.

Granted the house was huge but that only made me feel more alone, and school wasn't any better the jock's always threw me around like i was nothing i didn't have many friend's life all around just isn't the best for me right now

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Granted the house was huge but that only made me feel more alone, and school wasn't any better the jock's always threw me around like i was nothing i didn't have many friend's life all around just isn't the best for me right now.

Granted the house was huge but that only made me feel more alone, and school wasn't any better the jock's always threw me around like i was nothing i didn't have many friend's life all around just isn't the best for me right now

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Tatsumi:(Nothing, once again a day goes by without hearing from my parents, *Sigh* i wish life was just a little more simple than it is now.)

I only had a couple hour's left until school started so i had to finish up my little moment of self loathing soon at least before the bus came.

Tatsumi:(Ugh, at least i'll be able to get my grade's back up, i just wish my mom and dad were here maybe they could help me figure out what's wrong with my damn head

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Tatsumi:(Ugh, at least i'll be able to get my grade's back up, i just wish my mom and dad were here maybe they could help me figure out what's wrong with my damn head.)

I got my uniform on and waited for the bus to arrive for another horrible day at school, maybe my luck will change soon who know's.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

|Note|I've had this story on the back burner for a while so i'll be writing some older idea's first but i will get the request writen mark my word's.

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