Ch 22 [Memories]

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[Art is not mine]

Tatsumi's P.O.V

Damn is today already bad, i woke up feeling kinda lost and a little down, i kinda miss being a hero in a way.

Tatsumi:(*Sigh* Man does this suck, i know that the hero route wasn't for me and i have a new team but i kinda miss Lubbock, he understood me, he was a good friend

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Tatsumi:(*Sigh* Man does this suck, i know that the hero route wasn't for me and i have a new team but i kinda miss Lubbock, he understood me, he was a good friend.)


Lubbock:"Man it sure is nice to get some fresh air."

Tatsumi:"Yeah it really is, anyway how's you and Himiko's relationship going?"

Lubbock:"Oh yeah, we had to split up, i found out she was into some hard drug's and i wasn't going to support a habit like that, but now that's in the past and greener pasture's are ahead."

Tatsumi:"Hmm, so do you have any plan's on that shop you were thinking about?"

Lubbock:"Probably going to be a manga and book store to be honest, those are something's i'm pretty passionate about so that's probably going to be what it is."


Lubbock:"So how's school going?"

Tatsumi:"I hate to admit but i've kinda been screwing up a good bit, i've been actually failing test and stuff like that so i'm gonna have to get my grade's back up and soon."

Lubbock:"Yeah i know how that feel's, trying to balence out school life and hero life isn't as easy as the comic's or movie's make it out to be."

Tatsumi:"Don't have to tell me twice."

Me and Lubbock have so many memories as friend's and that, we often shared one and other's problem's with eachother when we needed to talk to someone, but those day's might be over due to me kinda switching side's.

Flashback End.

I stood up and left my room, i was going to grab something from the kitchen to eat but when i got to the kitchen i saw a certant someone cooking.

I stood up and left my room, i was going to grab something from the kitchen to eat but when i got to the kitchen i saw a certant someone cooking

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Akame:"Hmm, no chillies wouldn't work in this."

She was only wearing an apron so she was very much exposed.

Tatsumi:(Oh for god sake's, did she know i was going to come down here or is she always going to do this?)

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Tatsumi:(Oh for god sake's, did she know i was going to come down here or is she always going to do this?)

Tatsumi:(Oh for god sake's, did she know i was going to come down here or is she always going to do this?)

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Akame:"Oh Tatsumi, if you aren't doing anything at the moment can you help me with this?"

Akame:"Oh Tatsumi, if you aren't doing anything at the moment can you help me with this?"

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I went to the counter where we would be cooking something, i wasn't exactly sure what it was, it kinda looked like either soup or stew i wasn't exactly sure but she told me that it was a meal that she grew up with.

Akame:"Hey Tatsumi, you were up in your room for a good while earlyer, did you fall asleep?"

Tatsumi:"No, just remembering my time as a hero and the friend i had to leave behind when i switched side's."

Akame:"Were you two close?"

Tatsumi:"Yeah, we were like brother's, when ever one of us needed to talk to someone about something going bad in our live's we were there for eachother."

Akame:"I know how that feel's believe it or not, when me and Kurome left Helheim we left a lot of our friend's behind, it was one of the hardest thing's we had to do but we had to leave if we wanted to avoid our mother."

Tatsumi:"I guess no matter where you live in the universe you'll end up having to say goodbye to friend's sooner or later."

Akame:"But it's not all bad, coming here let me meet you."

I just smiled as we continued cooking, the meal ended up actually being pretty good, i didn't ask her if she'd be doing the whole nude apron thing constantly or if it was just a one time thing because i thought it would be a little disrespectful to ask that.

[Hope everyone enjoyed the chapter i'll see y'all later bye]

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