Dandelion | Beel x Gn!Reader

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tw: angst

When two people are destined for each other, they are able to see a timer on which displays how long the other has left to live. It will decrease from years, to days, to hours, to minutes, finally to seconds until the timer stops forever. The timer only appears when both people fall in love with each other.

Six years after the exchange program, the seven brothers are sitting around the table, having dinner as usual, until a timer appears next to Beel. Asmo is the first to notice as he has been eagerly awaiting for one of his brothers to get a timer even though he himself does not have one yet.
"Beel, check it out! You have a timer next to you!" he says, pointing at the timer next to Beel.
The other brothers congratulate Beel and nag him to say who it is he is in love with even though they already know who it is. It's MC. After they had returned to the Human World six years ago, Beel was left devastated. They were very close during the exchange program period. As his brothers' nagging continues, Beel remains silent.
"Beel, how are you not phased by this?" Satan asks him.
Beel looks up at Satan in confusion. "Phased by what?" Beel asks, giving Satan a puzzled look.
It was then that the brothers realize that Beel hasn't been listening to anything they have been speaking about for the past ten minutes.
"Beel, you've gotten your soulmate's timer..." Levi says through a sigh.
"Oh, really?" Beel says as he looks to his left. Displayed in the air next to him are two numbers and five letters. "65 years". "I'm happy that my soulmate will live that long, but I'm sad because I will live longer," Beel says as he stuffs another bite of his food into his mouth.
"Ya can't be so relaxed about this," Mammon says, slamming his cutlery onto the table.
"You can't be jealous that Beel received his timer before you, Mammon. Sit back down and finish your dinner," Lucifer sighs. Belphie, who has been silent up until now, finally speaks.
"Beel, do you know who it is?" he asks gently.
"I hope that it's MC. No wait, I want MC to live for a lot longer than just 65 years, I hope it's not MC then. No wait, I want it to be MC," the words fall out of Beel's mouth faster than he can comprehend them. Mammon, Levi, Satan and Asmo laugh at Beel's conflicting emotions but are still concerned about just who it is that received his timer and whether or not they will be happy together, let alone meet. However, Lucifer and Belphie are worried over something else: Whoever received Beel's timer, what numbers does their timer display and how quickly do they decrease?

After school the next day, Beel and Belphie are together in their room discussing the events that occurred that day at RAD.
"Did you see how everyone praised you at RAD for being the first of us brothers to receive a timer?" Belphie says, pulling his favourite cow-spotted pillow towards him. Beel doesn't respond. Instead, he gazes over at his timer which still displays the same digits as the ones he saw yesterday.
"Hey, Beel! I'm talking to you!" Belphie yells, squeezing his pillow, as if in hopes that Beel will feel it. Beel snaps out of his daydream and turns his head towards Belphie. A frown paints his face, causing his features to drop, giving him a drowsy look.
"Beel? Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm alright. I just... really hope that it's MC," Beel says, collapsing onto his bed. The softness of the bed gives off the illusion of being swallowed by tranquility. He instantly feels at peace and exhales a deep sigh.
"Beel, it doesn't really matter that much. You have 65 years to meet whoever it is, I don't know why you're worrying so much," Belphie says, throwing his cow-spotted pillow at Beel. Beel catches it with ease and holds it above him. His mind slips into his memories and he remembers each time he found MC with this pillow. Be it falling asleep with it or throwing it at his face, each memory releases a drop of sadness and longing into the pool of Beel's emotions. He sighs and holds the pillow to his chest.
"MC... Where are you?" he says before closing his eyes, succumbing to exhaustion.

The days came and went, it has been 2 weeks since Beel received his timer. He and Belphie are sitting on the attic floor and discussing who his soulmate may be. The air in the attic is thick and still, as if you could almost see it. Beel places his hand on the floor and the worn floorboards creak, causing waves of nostalgia to wash over him.
"Belphie, do you remember when we formed the Attic Club?"
"Oh. Yeah, it was some time after MC set me free from the attic." Belphie says, smiling. Beel knows that Belphie is experiencing saudade but he doesn't say anything, he feels the same way.

Dandelion | Beel x Gn!Reader (soulmate au, angst)Where stories live. Discover now