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Din immediately takes notice of the blood beginning to pool down around Cressida's feet.

He swears softly. He knows he has to get her some medical treatment. And quickly, before she bleeds to death.

There are a few droids still scrambling about, attempting to apprehend Din.

He quickly blasts the remaining droids, immediately stopping them, as they're remains clatter to the ground, their broken pieces scattering.

Din gently cradles Cressida's unconscious body in his arms and quickly escapes before anyone else is alerted to his presence.


Cressida's eyes flutter open and she tries to focus. She blinks several times, trying to clear the fog from her vision and mind.

"You're awake. That's...good." She rolls her head over and....immediately spots...Din.

She jerks upwards, causing her head to throb with intense pain.

Din is sitting on a wooden crate, next to the cot in his sleeping quarters. He leans in, gently pushing Cressida back down and adjusts the blankets.

"Why did you come back" Din doesn't reply right away. He busies himself with the blankets.

"Din?" He finally looks at her. Cressida can see her own reflection in the shiny, metal helmet and wishes she could see Din's facial expression.

"I don't know," he says gruffly and Cressida decides not to pressure him.

"Thank you." Din stands, hovering. Although Cressida can't see his face, she can feel his uneasiness.

"You should rest. I'm gonna get us far away from this ice glacier before my ship freezes to the ground."

Cressida watches as Din disappears from sight. She lays there, listening as he makes his way up to the cockpit and she smiles.


One of the stormtroopers discover Pallas Vega's unconscious body lying on the ground of the underground chamber.

He quickly calls in for backup and the stormtroopers take Pallas to medic bay to have his wounds tended to.


When Pallas regains consciousness, he realizes almost immediately that Cressida is gone. Again.

And apparently that damn Mandalorian is protecting her.

Why? Pallas ponders. What's in it for him? Has Cressida promised him something? Secrets, perhaps?

The thought makes Pallas uneasy. If Cressida is willing to compromise her position and confess her sins to this Mandalorian, there might be more he needs to be concerned about.

A stormtrooper enters Pallas' room where he's recuperating.

"What is it?" He asks irritably.

"Your superior would like a word with you." The stormtrooper sets a small, black disc on the table in front of Pallas.

Pallas reaches over and presses a button, a blue hologram emitting from the disc.

"My lord."


Cressida examines herself as she uses the refresher to clean up. The medical droids had taken care of her wounds, although unfortunately, she'd still have scars.

She curses softly, examining the cuts on both her legs. The droids had bandaged up most of the worse ones.

It never ceased to amaze Cressida how the same sort of lazer beam that could wipe her memory, could also heal her damaged skin.

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