The Lost Princess Part 3

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Trotsky frowned slightly; his forehead wrinkled as he examined the hair comb. He'd ensured that no soldier had been able to leave the immediate area where the Imperial family had been executed with anything that could lead to a rival uprising in the masses. True the poor were keen to have change, but he doubted somewhat that they would be so happy to hear of the execution of the Grand Duchesses. Grand Duchess Clare Helena Tozerov was a 16-year-old with all the hope and romanticism of a young woman. Faye Louisa Tozerov meanwhile was the spirited imp of the nation. Known for her love of dance and it was spoken often how many suspected the poor Tsarina would struggle to instil in the youngest a true sense of royalty. There had been hope of a male heir, but none had arrived and with it the Russia people had almost come to believe that it was God's intention that the Tozerov line should come to an end. This comb was an indication that perhaps the meticulous planning had not worked quite so well. He opened a small hidden cabinet of his desk and found a small envelope where held a few photographs. It had to be documented that the Tozerov family were dead though the news had not been released initially, instead the public had believed the family had been taken prisoner. Flicking to the picture of the supposed deposed Grand Duchess Faye he pursed his lips as he grabbed a photograph of her from a state event months earlier. It wasn't an ideal picture to try and compare, the still pasty image from hours after her body had been peppered with bullets compared to a rosy cheeked youngster.

Craig had managed to find a schedule for the trains and knew time was of the absolute essence. If they were to ensure Faye remained safe, then it was imperative that they started their journey as soon as feasibly able. He shook his head slightly as he noted the young blond male teasing the girls and throwing snowballs at them, making them shriek loudly. Elizabeth rolling snow in her hands keen to retaliate. It was nice he supposed that they could, for a few minutes allow themselves to be youthful and forget the potential risks they would be placing themselves at. He had no doubts that if it were to become known about Faye's survival then the Soviet leaders would want rid of her, or else one of them marry her to ensure they could curb any rise from Royalist supporters. He wasn't sure which would be worse in all honesty. He could hardly imagine any Communist high-ranking male treating the former Grand Duchess well. No, the only solution would be to get Louisa to her Great Uncle who resided in Paris. There the sweet natured blonde would be safe, she would no doubt charm many suitors and make a decent marriage.

"I suspect that however we propose to leave Russia it shall not be cheap." Louisa's soft voice said as Craig looked up and forced a smile. She was right of course; the revolution had led to steep incline in any way to leave the now Soviet led republic of Russia. "No, but it will be worthwhile to have you in your rightful place."
"Some people might disagree with you. Your old friends." Louisa said with a slight tone of bitterness in her voice. Craig felt a wave of guilt wash over him again. "I was stupid, though you don't appreciate how destitute people were. I know it doesn't change what happened, but the people, they were starving." Craig reasoned as he looked at the young woman who was biting her lower lip as tears were pooled in her eyes. "And so my Papa, my Mama, my whole family they had to die. I should have died too. For the crime of what? Blissful ignorance, the 'supposed' privilege of birth?" Louisa said clearly distressed. Craig sighed as he took her hand.
"I can't change the past, but please allow me to ensure that you have a future. I understand your anger and I have no defence for my actions but let us make you safe away from here then you can punish me however you chose." Craig said as Louisa shook her head, her blonde curls bouncing as she did so. "I...I don't know how to feel, I'm angry but you saved me, at risk to yourself no doubt. You could have easily left me somewhere but didn't."

Lee gazed towards the young Russian Princess with concern as she seemed to be angry, understandably so given the recent revelations but then she was been drawn into a hug by her 'saviour'. "You my friend have it bad." Ian said as he clapped Lee on the back following his gaze. "I personally should ignore Johnny's words. It shall still be a fair journey to Paris, plenty of time for you to impress the young lady, ensure that it is you she has feelings for when we reach the intended destination."
"You make it sound as though it is imperative that I impress her. I admit she is exceptionally beautiful, but Johnny is right, now she knows her true birth right then what would she want with someone like me." Lee mused as he wiped his coat free of the snow that had hit it during the snowball fight. "Lee, she was performing in an Gentleman's club, I hardly think she would be so dismissive of someone due to class."
"Perhaps not, though you cannot think her view has not been altered by her recent discovery." Lee mused as Ian sighed at his friend's despondent mood.

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