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It was later that morning that Merlin knocked on Harry's hospital room door. Neil following him as he swung it open, the blonde too busy frowning at his phone for a second. The message on his screen something he did not want to see. (It had been such a nice day too). "Ah Harry", Merlin's voice greeted. Then his voice changed. "Eggsy. We need to have a private conversation". Neil looked up at the name and slid his phone back into his pocket. It had only been a day since he had last seen Eggsy but the way those green eyes lingered on his form did not disappoint. Neil felt his mood rise as he watched the slight dilation of the pupils. Maybe he could have some fun. 

"Congrats on scoring high on your test", Neil smiled politely, eyes glittering with intent. Eggsy licked his lips and grinned. 


"Nonsense", Harry replied to Merlin. The older agent was still in his hospital pyjamas and a red dressing gown. It was weird to see him without his suits. "Let him observe. Might learn a thing or two, that is if Agent Tristan doesn't have a problem with it". 

"He can observe", Neil spoke lightly as Merlin took the centre of the room. He stepped up next to Eggsy, pausing a moment to lean down and pet JB. The pug panting happily at him from where the dog was sat at Eggsy's feet. 

Harry glanced over. "Simple suit today?" He asked, eyeing the dark forest green of Neil's suit of the day. No waistcoat and only a plain black tie over a cream shirt. It was perhaps one of his most boring suits, which was surprising. "Did they run out of floral curtains?" Eggsy snorted slightly at the teasing.

"Very funny", Neil rolled his eyes. His blonde hair was style up in a slightly messy way out of his face and his black glasses made his blue eyes look bigger. In all, he looked like a youth rather than an adult. 

"If you all will take a look at this", Merlin directed their attention to the screen in the wall. He pressed a button on his clipboard and a video feed showed up. The image focused in to a close up of a man's neck. Professor Arnold's neck and lower jaw filled the screen. Merlin pressed play and the image started moving. The audio was dimmed but Harry's voice and the professor's screams were still loud in the room. When the explosion happened, only Eggsy jumped. 

"Fucking hell! That is rank Harry. You blew up his head? Bit much innit?" 

"If only we could actually do that", Neil muttered slightly under his breath. "Would clear up a lot of hassle". He gave a breathy hum and his lips twitched. Eggsy watching the thought process with wide eyes. 

"You're bloody mental", he huffed, seeming more amused than freaked out. Neil just smirked and covered it up with his hand. 

"Actually the explosion was caused by and implant in his neck", Merlin corrected. He pressed a few more buttons and the image zoomed in closer to focus on the skin under the professor's ear.  "Here, under he scar". 

"Did the hardware pick up the trigger signal?" Neil voiced. 

"Fortunately yes. Unfortunately the IP address I traced it to is registered to the Valentine Corporation". 

"That's not much of a lead", Harry remarked. "He has millions of employees world wide". 

"That Richmond Valentine is a genius", Eggsy commented. There was a pointed silence as the three kingsmen agents stared at him. Eggsy blinked and glanced around. "Did you not see his announcement today?" He plucked Merlin's tablet from his hands and pressed a few keys. The screen changed to a stage where the recognisable figure of Valentine, with his slanted cap, was taking to a large audience. 

"We each spend on average $2,000 a year on cellphone and internet usage. It gives me great pleasure to announce, Those days are over. As of tomorrow, every man, woman and child can claim a free SIM card compatible with any phone, any computer. And utilise my communications network for free. Free calls. Free internet. For everyone. Forever". Applause broke out amongst the audience and Valentine left the stage. The camera panning after him and refocusing on his assistant. 

Merlin stole back the tablet with a narrowed eyed look at Eggsy for touching his things. Harry then immediately snatched the tablet up from the man's other side and flicked his fingers across it. Merlin sighed and crossed his arms. "Valentine's assistant has the same implant scar", Harry announced as the image zoomed in to show the same mark behind the assistant's ear. 

"It seems like you and Valentine should have a conversation", Neil suggested. hiding his amused look as Merlin pointedly took control of his tablet again. 

"He's having a dinner gala next week. I'll get the two of you and invitation. What do you think Agent Tristan? Ready to be back to work". 

"Please", Neil sighed heavily. "I am getting cabin fever". 

"You'll need to be careful though. Since you've been out Harry, hundreds of VIPs have gone missing. No ransom notes, exactly like professor Arnold". 

"Then I suggest you make my alias somebody worth kidnapping". 

"I guess I'll just be myself", Neil offered. Why have an alias when his real identity would work just as well, if not better? 

"Are you sure?" Merlin asked. 

"If Valentine is behind the kidnaped VIP's then I'm sure that I am right up his alley", Neil stated. "I've read over the victim profiles and he is sticking to people of influence, wether that is fame, politics, climate change. You name it, these victims fit the bill. They are all people with influence or in positions of power. I think that I fit in pretty well, wouldn't you?" He finished his argument with a slight tilt to his lips. 

"He has a point", Harry muttered. 

Merlin sighed in defeat. "Fine. I am sure that if I lay some groundwork then a invitation shall find itself to the two of you within a day or two". 

In Neil's pocket, a phone buzzed. He pulled it out and sighed. "If that is all, I shall leave first. I need to take this", He nodded at the men. Expression suddenly cold as he left the room, posture stiff and barely sparing any glance at Eggsy. 

"What was that about?" Eggsy frowned, watching the door shut behind the blonde agent. "Is he famous or something?" 

"No. He is a child of a very famous family and that carries it's own fame and burdens", Harry explained. "Not that he likes his family very much. Which is understandable, most of them are the worst examples of the upper class that I have ever seen. But the family name has influences that we can use to our gain". 

Eggsy absorbed the information greedily. It seemed like Agent Tristan really had known what he was talking about when he referred to the world of the upper class as deadly. So far, even with the training and the arseholes that were the other posh pricks of candidates, Eggsy had yet to see much of the horror that Tristan had insinuated when they had first met. He had thought he was bluffing. "I guess I'll leave you too it", He spoke up. "I've got to go and take JB on his walk". 

"Alright then Eggsy", Harry's voice echoed after him as he headed for the door. JB scampering along after him. "Keep up the good work".  Eggsy let the door shut behind him as the elf the room. Immediately he turned the corner up to the manor above, rather to the dorms below, and his feet took him back to the familiar lounge after Neil. 


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