Chapter 10 - Twins

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Emily was now pacing around the living room, cellphone in hand, touching the screen a couple of times and then placing the device to her ear

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Emily was now pacing around the living room, cellphone in hand, touching the screen a couple of times and then placing the device to her ear.

Jimin and Taehyung had already arrived minutes ago, the latter already upstairs to avoid the ruckus that was happening. He had already made his point that he didn’t trust Amelia, so now, knowing she had omitted the fact she was a Witch, the guy was probably doing the best by staying away from her.

Every time the topic was on Witches, Taehyung seemed to get moody. He didn’t like it, at all. Jin and Namjoon apparently were the only ones who knew why, but had never shared the information out of respect for Taehyung.

Jimin was filled into the situation. Even Yoongi felt bad when seeing the guy deflate a little after finding out that Amelia would slowly start to get worse and worse every day until her death. Especially because he hadn’t actually met a Witch before. Jimin had been found by Jin when he was only a teen, on the street. His transformation hadn’t happened yet and Jimin had no idea he was a vampire at all.

From his place on the couch, Yoongi was watching as Emily brushed her fingers through her wavy brown hair, lowering the phone. Her brows were creased and she was starting to grow annoyed that the person on the other end of the line wasn’t picking up.

She was fascinating. Yoongi had never seen anyone like her. He felt a certain pull to her, every time he didn’t have anything in specific to look at, he would just naturally look at her elegant figure. She was a bit taller than Amelia, also with more curves and thickness to her. Although, now he knew that Amelia looked malnourished and sick all the time because of her condition.

“I’m going to murder that idiot…” Emily mumbled, dialing the number again and waiting for the person to answer again.

“How is her sister like?” Yoongi asked Jin, who was very still sitting beside him.

“What, Mina? An absolute airhead. No one would think they’re twins, either, they look quite different.”

“And they’re both Witches?” Yoongi looked at the brunette again.

“Yeah. And really good ones, at that. Mina is like an explosive waiting to blow up.”

Someone picked up Emily’s call.

“I swear to fucking God, you better have a good excuse to be interrupting my orgasm, right now!”

All five vampires looked at Emily, whose face scrunched in disgust when she heard that. Namjoon snorted and crossed his arms, waiting for the drama to hit. Thank God he could overhear this because of his good hearing.

“See? Told you.” Jin pointed out, smirking a bit “This is gonna be great.”

“Seriously? You’re supposed to be looking for Amelia.” Emily bit back, still looking pretty grossed out.

“I was! I was taking a break to get that O and then I would get back to it!” The woman in the other line had a deeper, raspier voice and was currently panting while talking “Now, care to tell me why the fuck you interrupted?!”

Emily rubbed her temple and sighed.

“I need you to try and focus on my blood and then come to my location as soon as possible. It’s urgent.”

“Is it the ‘drop everything you’re doing’ kind of urgent or the ‘it can wait until I cum’ kind of urgent? Cause I’m getting blueballed, you know?” The woman asked, her voice sounding now like more of purr.

“It’s the ‘drop the man you’re doing’ king of urgent. Get your ass here right now!”

“Ugh, I hate you sometimes, you know. Alright, fine! I’ll be there in a bit… I just need to find my panties. I know I left them somewhere in the kitchen.” She paused for a second “Or was it the bathroom? Whatever, it’s not like I need them.”

“Please don’t come near me with no underwear.”

The woman in the other end of the line snorted and then ended the call with a ‘fuck you’.

“Isn’t she a charmer?” Emily grunted, rolling her eyes in frustration.

“How long is she gonna take to get here?” Jin asked.

“Shouldn’t be long. She can feel my blood as long we’re in a radius of 62 miles. She should be materializing here in a few seconds.“

It didn’t take long. They had barely just finished speaking when the doorbell rang for the second time today.

“Well that was fast! Jimin, can you get that?”

Jimin nodded and got up to move out of the living room. He was still a bit dazed from hearing about Amelia’s situation, which was kind of why Jin asked him to go to the door. He had started to like Amelia, she was nice. He hadn’t met that many nice women along his life, and since he spent most of his time with his brothers, hanging out with Amelia was different, but nice. His hand reached for the knob and he mindlessly opened it.

The first thing that got to him was a luxurious scent of roses. Roses and some other herb he couldn’t tell what was. It was a sensual scent that flowed effortlessly to him, filling his senses like a drug. Then it was the ginger. Her hair was wild, in loose large curls all around it, with both orange and red tones, like a wild fire was burning. And that very fire was framing a face that was identical to the woman that was now in the living room. The heart shape of her face, the delicate button like nose, the soft cheekbones and the freckles that colored her milky skin was exactly the same as Emily’s. But her hair was completely not the same.

Her eyes were just like her sister’s, the cunning, warm sky blue, and were now evaluating him from head to toe, her pearly white teeth coming to bite at her plush bottom lip. She seemed to be undressing him with all her might inside her own head.

“Well, hello there!”

Oh, shit, her voice! It was low and sexy, a beautiful tone that seemed like it belonged to a jazz singer. It went straight to his crotch and Jimin had to do his best to focus on the simple task of inviting her in.

“Uh… are you, hum, Emily’s sister?”

“Oh, so I am in the right house! I was wondering if I’d gotten in a happy accident by coming here.” The woman drawled, her smile growing even more flirty “Would you be so kind as to show me to my sister?”

Jimin nearly stuttered again but he nodded and moved aside so she moved gracefully to walk inside the foyer. He closed the door and turned, only to see her with her arms crossed below her chest, staring at him with that flirty smile.

“I’m starting not to mind at all that I was interrupted.” She purred lowly, blue stare dragging along his body again.

Jimin had to clear his throat so he wouldn’t focus on what she was saying and the way her eyes were undressing him, even though he was feeling a little tingly. He began to move back to the living room, the woman following him.

“Emily is right here…” He said, gesturing for her to walk inside the living room.

“I don’t think I’m that interested in Emily, now, but thank you!” She purred again, side eyeing him.

Jimin actually flushed when she passed by him again and that amazing luscious smell of roses filled his brain.

“Hi sissy!” The woman chirped, walking into the living room like she owned the place.

She was wearing a loose silky top, that showed she clearly was not wearing a bra. Her jeans clung nicely to her curvy hips and legs. She was the same height as Emily and just as elegant. Jimin was probably only one or two centimeters taller than her.

All the eyes in the room switched to the new arrival and immediately Jimin realized he didn’t like his hyungs looking at the woman. Especially when Namjoon cursed under his breath, wide eyed at the bombshell that just walked in.

Oh, boy…

“If you’d told me you’re in a house full of hot men I would’ve come faster.” The redhead joked, her eyes analyzing Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon. Wait, where was Jin-hyung? “So, what’s the big deal? It sounded like the apocalypse was upon us.”

Emily didn’t waste much more time.

“We have a problem, and this time it’s a bit catastrophic. It’s about Amelia.”

“If you tell me we have to go to another town again I swear I’ll flip the fuck out, we literally just arrived two days ago." The redhead grumbled, her brows creasing.

“No, we won’t need to move, I found her- “

“Oh, great, then! Just pick her up and let’s go!”

“Let her talk, Mina.”

Jin’s voice came from the archway that lead to the dining room. And, much like her sister had, as soon as the redhead turned her head to see who was the owner of the voice talking to her, she recoiled, screaming short and loud.

“AHHHH!! What the fuck are you doing here?!”

Jin rolled his eyes “This is my house.”

“Why the hell are you in Jin’s house?!” Mina asked to Emily, her head almost snapping out of her neck with how fast she turned it.

“That’s not even the half of it.” Emily cut in.

“You know, I’m dying to know why these two keep reacting like that to Jin-hyung.” Jimin heard Namjoon mumble to Hoseok, his smile mocking, that Hoseok returned.

“Bet it’s juicy.”

Emily actually had to ask for Mina to sit down on the couch before continuing.

“So, what’s Amelia got to do with this?” The redhead asked, leaning back on the couch and placing her arms on the pillows behind her, as laid back as possible.

“Jin was the one that found Amelia.” Emily started, beginning to slowly give her the details of the situation. First, Mina simply grew a bit more serious, her face growing stern as she heard her sister. But it was when Emily mentioned that Amelia not having her powers that a reaction actually came out of her. She straightened, narrowing her eyes at her twin’s.

What happened next made Jimin rethink every single life choice he had ever made. And he had a couple centuries on his ass now.

Mina’s sky blue eyes turned to an orangey glow, her stare growing almost wild like. Jimin had only seen such a thing happen with vampires, since he had never interacted with a Witch. He then saw an intricate looking tattoo appear on the inside of her wrists, the same glow of orange and red burning her milky skin.

It was when they heard a slow rumbling coming from her chest and sudden heat around the room, that they realized Mina was damn furious.

“Who the fuck did it.”

Her demand was low and angry, eyes scanning over the room.

“Mina, calm down.” Jin requested, his voice uncharacteristically soft “When we found her, she already didn’t have her powers. Amelia smells like a normal human, now. I would have noticed if she was a Witch.”

Mina seemed a bit calmer, then, the heat that had assaulted the room completely receding and the tattoos in her wrists fading to a very light color.

“How do I know that?” She drawled, eyes pinning Jin in his place.

“You’ll have to trust me when I say it. But we found traces of demons and Amelia already confirmed it, so we know for sure that demons stole her powers.”

To Jin’s explanation, Mina got up from her place and began to pace around, taking deep breaths.

“Please don’t burn my house.” Jin mumbled, frowning at Mina.

Emily could only nod at that, with the other guys going a little stiff at the mention of a potential fire.

“If we can trace those demons back to where they were, maybe we can still find the guy who is keeping them. We can still save Amelia, but we need to be fast- ” Emily ranted, speaking really fast again, only to be interrupted by her sister.

“We need to call Lucy.” She stated, placing a hand on her hip.

Emily was quiet for a second “Are you suicidal?”

“Em, this is serious. Demons don’t just steal a Witch’s powers because they’re bored. And by the things Jin said, about her being tortured, this isn’t just something we can solve.”

Jin nodded. It seemed he agreed with Mina’s reasoning, but Emily, on the other hand, was looking a bit dumbfounded.

“Hell, no! Lucy’s gonna flip! She’s already going to give Amelia a hard time because she stole her book, imagine if she finds her powers were stolen.” Emily said, frowning and dismissing the idea.

Mina raised an eyebrow.

“You know, I’m supposed to be the dumb sister, not you. We need to be rational about this.”

“I am being rational! And I don’t wanna get killed so soon. We need to, at the very least, see if we can solve this on our own.”

“We can help.” Yoongi suddenly interrupted, once again suggesting their help.

Mina was a little reluctant, frowning and examining them.

“We do this- Ah! Let me finish!” Mina cut in, and when seeing her sister about to say something she raised her finger sharply “We do this, but as soon as shit hits the fan, we’re calling Lucy. And we need to get in touch with Luna as soon as possible. She’s probably the only person who can keep Amelia’s decay on hold.”

Emily nodded, a little bummed that things weren’t going her way. Mina released a breath, relaxing with her hip against the couch. But as soon as she relaxed, a thought seemed to come to her mind and she jolted.

“The book!” She yelled, making Emily jump and then go wide eyed.

“Holy shit… Jin, was there a book when you found Amelia? Did she have one or was it anywhere near her?”

Jin was surprised at the question, raising his eyebrows and stuttering for a second when he answered no.

“We didn’t find anything either.” Jimin spoke up “I scouted the area with Taehyung the night we found Amelia and we didn’t find anything. Her smell wasn’t strong anymore, so we had a hard time.”

Mina’s eyes weren’t so flirty anymore so it was a bit easier to focus. She seemed frustrated, huffing after hearing what Jimin said and then slumping back on the couch.

“I fucking hate this… This wouldn’t be happening if Lucy hadn’t been such a bitch in the first place.” Mina grumbled.

Emily punched her sister’s shoulder and Jin snorted when hearing that.

“Don’t ever let her hear you.” Jin said, getting up again from his place “Amelia is upstairs in Jungkook’s room, if you want to see her.”

Mina nodded but then frowned to herself. She turned to Emily again.

“Who the fuck is Jungkook?”

“One of us. He’s been taking care of Amelia all this time.” Jimin said again.

This time she turned her attention to him again and straightened, using her arms to squeeze together her breasts teasingly and fluttering her lashes.

“Is he as hot as you?” She purred, a foxy smile appearing on her lips again.

Namjoon snorted loudly when he saw the way Jimin flushed and dumbly opened and closed his mouth like a fish, completely flustered over her forwardness. Mina laughed in a throaty way, poising her chin on her hand. Jimin numbly noticed her hands were beautiful. Boy, he wanted those hands of hers all over himself.

“Excuse me, ma’am!” Emily suddenly interrupted, her nose scrunching again in mild disgust as she bluntly looked at her sister’s chest “Are you not wearing a bra?”

Mina instantly looked down at her own boobs. Which may or may not have caused the men to look at them too.

“Oh, that! Yeah, lost it in a bet… Shouldn’t have bluffed that stupid Ace.” She got up casually, most likely to go upstairs and see Amelia.

“Did you at least find your panties?” Emily’s face was one of amusement.

Mina turned while still walking backwards, her hand going to the back pocket of her jeans, from where she pulled a thin, lacey red thong. She waved the piece of lingerie while smirking foxily. Namjoon, Hoseok and Yoongi laughed hard, Jimin blushed liked a mad man while pressing his lips not to smile and Emily snorted, shaking her head.

“Yep! They were in the bathroom!”

“You are disgusting!” Emily said, more in a mocking tone.

~Sass 😘

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