one shot btw

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I cleaned the floor of the school again. Doppo is always so kind even though he's bossy. I make eye contact with him and instantly look back at the floor  shit why did I look at him? What if he talks to me? What will I say?! I rush to finish and put the bucket and mop away. I glance at the door and he's still there. I look at him and panic. I can't stop looking at him. If I look away will he take offense? Will I be fired?! He finally speaks 

"ahhh y/n I want you to meet some people. I want them to see you. You are the first trans helper here after all"I tremble in fear but I follow him anyway. I glance at all the eyes on me. I'm..terrified.  

"this is our beloved y/n sh- I mean HE is the cleaner for now but I'm sure he'll blossom into a wonderful fighter" I stare at the floor out of fear and look up. I make eye contact with a somewhat older gentleman with big glasses. He's at most gotta be 5'2 I say around 5'1 so small I'm around 6'2 so I'm much bigger than him.

 I look at doppo with a worried expression. He sits me down and gets me water and talks about some karate bullshit idk. My attention turns to another man. He has long hair in a braid. He's absolutely jacked. I finally decided to speak. 

"I need to be leaving soon, I want to go out later today" I stare at the floor in fear. 

"Where to?" Doppo asks. 

"A bar sir." I say still looking at the floor. 

"Which one? we could come!" He says with a grin. 

"You can't. You won't enjoy it" I say looking at him this time 

"Come on, I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun. " He says laughing. 

"It's a gay bar sir." I look at his shocked face and freeze. 

"Oh. So you're gay?" I nod, not wanting to speak anymore. He glances at the other 2 men in the room. I hear the old guy speak. 

"Well we can just drink here. Sure it isn't a gay bar but you can have some fun right?" They pull out some alcohol. It's fancy and definitely expensive. I drink. Glass after glass. Suddenly my shyness becomes a memory. And I open my mouth. 

"I wanted a good hookup, you know but I had to work. I had to go into a room. I'm too shy for people maan" I'm wasted at this point. My brain is so fuzzy. I want a hookup. 

"He doesn't even remember who he's with. He might flirt with us or something." I look at the old glasses guy and flirt. HARD. At some point I was asking him if he wanted to go to my apartment with me. And then I fainted. Fell right into his arms.

I woke up in an unknown bed. IN THE SCHOOL. I look around and make direct eye contact. With Doppo. I panic. 

"Listen I am so sorry about my behavior last night I swear it'll never happen again" He puts his hand up signaling me to be quiet. The other 2 men from last night walk in. 

"It's okay we had fun last night. Also if you're gonna apologize, apologize to Gouki, he was the one you hit on after all." He said with a laugh. I look at the older gentleman with the glasses assuming it's him. 

"I am so sorry" I say, trying to avoid eye contact. 

"It's okay I've never been hit on by a guy before" he said with a wide grin. I blush and fill with shame. "The most interesting part was when you wanted to take me back to your apartment." He laughed. I felt my heart sink. 

"I'm so sorry I only get like that when I'm drunk" He laughs again. 

"Do you find me attractive? Why out of the 3 of us did you hit on me" I'm shocked he would ask that. I try to come up with a lie or something to get out of this situation. The truth is I did find him attractive. Older men have always been my thing. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2022 ⏰

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