Montgomery Gator x Reader Lemon

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Soft music played through the speakers on the ceiling way above you. You slurped the rest of your orange FizzyFazz, walking up towards a trash can to dispose of the cup. Upon tossing it into the bin you found yourself standing in front of the waste bin for a second. After a few moments you raised your wrist up to check the time. A sigh escaped your lips, three more hours left in your shift. Tonight was just as slow as any night. The Freddy Fazbear MegaPizzaplex had just opened up a few months ago so during the day the place is bustling with children and people all around, however at night the building goes so eerily quiet-even with the faint music still playing on loop all night. You found yourself frowning, surely the day shift staff had a much better time going through their shifts. You were one of the night security guards, usually there would be two guards on duty for the night shift but lately the staff has been dropping like flies. You couldn't understand why, sure the job wasn't the greatest out there but the pay was at least worth sticking around for a bit. At least now with less staff you've been able to pick up more hours lately. You continued down the hall your footsteps echoing behind you with each step.

The only thing that made your shifts go by without complete agony was speaking with the main cast of the animatronics. The Freddy Fazbear entertainment company went all in for this new building and cast of characters. Their AI was something you had never seen before. It was almost like they all had their own personalities and quirks. Of course, there were limitations to the conversations you would have with but there was something almost human about each of them. Although it has been a while since you've worked the night shift, so you needed some catching up to do with the cast. You found yourself walking over to Montgomery Gator's room, or Monty as most people call him. It had been a while since you went over to talk with him. He had been in a bad mood lately and you just gave him the space you figured he needed.

You turned the corner quickly, feeling your body collide with something solid in front of you. You jumped, your whole body tensing up as you felt your heart pound in your chest. Whatever you had just ran into was huge and cold. You felt two large hands grab the sides of your shoulders. You slowly lifted your head up and saw it was Freddy. You let out a deep sigh after realizing who it was.

"Hello Freddy, what are you doing out of your room?" You questioned the bear in front of you. Freddy looked down at you and blinked slowly. "You scared the crap out of me."

"Oh hello, Y/N, I apologize. I had stepped out of my room to take a walk around the building, is that okay?" He asked you innocently. You chuckled slightly at this. You moved away from the bear, his grasp around your shoulders loosening.

"Alright, Freddy, alright. Just make sure you don't walk around too much." You said, pulling your flashlight off your utility belt and pointing it towards him. "We don't want you to run out of power now do we?" Freddy shook his head at this.

"Oh no, Y/N." He responded, "That would not be ideal. I will be sure to not stray too far away from my room to ease your worries." You smiled and tucked your flashlight back into its place.

"Good I am glad we can come to an agreement on this." You held your hand out to the animatronic in front of you. Freddy reached out and grabbed your hand, shaking it. "Also be sure to be inside of your room before six A.M." You added. "I don't want to hear anything from my managers about how I let you free roam all night."

"Noted, I will keep a close eye on my battery levels and the time for you." You began to walk past Freddy, he was always the more mature of the bunch so you knew you could count on him to keep his word to you.

As you drew closer to the door of Monty's room you could hear banging coming from inside. You quickened your pace, confused as to why the more mellow of the crew was making this much noise inside of his room. You grabbed your security badge and used it to open his door. The door slid open, revealing a very messy and torn apart room before you. You felt your jaw drop almost immediately as you bore witness. Monty stood in the middle of the room, his shoulders moving up and down deeply as if he was out of breath. His head turned to you, his red eyes peering at you from over his star shaped shades.

Montgomery Gator x Reader LemonWhere stories live. Discover now