The car

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During this time we lived in an old farm house that was built around the civil war just off of 62. The road that led up to it was curvy and seemed like it went on for miles. Once you turned in our drive way it was tree lined and was followed by the old fence. When you made it to the house you could tell we where car people, dad had always loved cars since the day he was born. Looking back we had dad's Mercedes suv, mom's bmw 335i, the old datsun 240z me and my brother shared and then "the car". The car that I am talking about was dads baby, the first car that he brought that was over $50,000, the 1967 shelby gt500. We always use to kid around that the shelby was the favorite child, that we could never live up to its standards. No one besides him ever got to drive it until today. It would be today that he would hand me the keys and let me drive it out of the drive way.
"I knew I was forgetting something when I went out earlier" mom always had a thing where she was a little forgetful. " Shaune will you run back to that little store for me?" " For what?" I asked. "Well when I found it they had this cute idea, they print photos off like they first use to with film. Then once they are done it looks like the photos are 20 years old. I had some old photos of Garett printed off earlier." I pondered the idea for a minute " I would mom but I can't, my car is broke right now remember?" She looked disappointed "but I mean I can always take your car. That is always a option." I said that jokingly because mom was very weird when it came to her car. " over my dead body you will" she winked " hey Hardin can Shaune have the keys to the Mercedes?" You could hear dad laughing as he came around the corner " why because you can't trust him with yours." It is times like this I remember how much they truly loved each other. They always use to say that a marriage would not last if the two did not pick on each other. "Come on son, the keys are in the garage."
As we walked out I noticed that the key in his hand did not have a Mercedes symbol on it but that it was a old key that I had seen many times before. "Your leaving to." I asked " why not just go get the pictures yourself." "No dummy I am giving you a once in a life time experience!" After thinking for a few minutes I realized what he meant. "Nooo, I get to take your favorite child out! Dear god I think the world is coming to an end." "Well I was going to let Garett drive it today since this was his only day to graduate" he paused " so I only find it fair you drive it on the same day." He could hardly get the last word out of his mouth before I had snatched the keys and started the car. " now drive it carefully, act like this is the only thing you will ever own. Have fun Shaune because this is the only time you will drive it." And with that I put the shifter in reverse and pulled out of the garage. As I made the loop and started heading down the drive way I looked in the review mirror, I could see dad standing beside the house with a smile on his face as he waved good bye.
Heading to town in that car was incredible. It drove like a dream. It took thirty minutes to get to downtown Etown from our house, and of course when I got there mom couldn't remember the name of the shop but knew right where it was. She had told me it was in the square on the left side of the court house and right across the street from the clerks office. That was the beginning of my delays, when I went in there they told me the order was not finished and that it would be another 20 minutes, and then once that was done I decided I needed to get the car washed. On my way there I decided to take Dixie and when I made it to ring road there was a funeral procession. After all that it was about an hour later and I was told I needed to be back home in two so I went on to the car wash. It was when I was there that it must have happened because I can remember having a feeling of something not being right, that everything was not way it was supposed to be. After I got done there I began to make my way home 20 minutes late. I drove down 62 and then turned on to our street, and then as I began my way up the road the cars coming in the other direction began to flash their lights. I slowed down not knowing what I would see around the next bend and then as I turned the corner I saw a million flashing lights. Those came from Kentucky state police cars, two ambulances, and a fire truck. This is when it all becomes fuzzy, I can remember stoping the car and getting out and running to where the police tape was strung across the road, and then looking over the ridge I saw the car that had drove off of it moments before.It was our grey Mercedes but the only thing you could recognize was the Louisville plate on the back. I can remember trying to run past the cops and screaming at them that I was family of the driver of the suv but all they did was hold me back. And after that everything went black. Everything seemed to come to an end.

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