~Sun and Freddy~

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Okay, I can't find who requested it, but I know that it's here so I'm doing it... Blood warning.

Y/n P.O.V.

"B-But I love her!" "Well I love her too!" "She met me first!" "She held my hand first!" "She-" "I SWEAR TO GOD, IF YOU TWO DON'T SHUT THE HELL UP SO HELP ME, THE LORD WILL HAVE TO PRAY FOR YOU TWO TO BE OKAY!" I shouted in rage.

You see, I have two animatronics fighting for my love, Sun from the daycare and Freddy from the band. I told them that I liked them back, both of them, but I guess they don't want to share.

I shook my head, "Listen, I said I like both of you, meaning I would date both of you, meaning that if you two can get along, we can kiss and cuddle, but if you CAN'T then I'm not going to be with EITHER of you, got it?!" I shouted and they nodded, "Y-Yes ma'am!" "Of course Y/n."

I shook my head, "What am I going to do with you guys..." I sighed. I shook my head as I walked away, having to use the bathroom.

No one's P.O.V.

"I hope she's not mad at us." Sun whined and slumped forward. Freddy rubbed his back, "Me too... Hey, I have an idea. She wants us to share, right?" Freddy asked and Sun nodded, "Yeah! So we'll share her... but how?" Sun asked and looked up at Freddy.

Freddy smiled, "Well, what'll we'll do is *Whispering* and then *More whispering* then the lastly we'll *Tell me what the fuck you're saying* How does that sound?" Freddy asked.

Sun beamed at the idea, "Yes! Yes! She'll love it! Let's work on it right now!" Sun quickly rushed into the daycare and started gathering supplies, "Yes! She'll want this- This too- Also this- She's gonna love it!"

Freddy quickly took the stuff from Sun's arms and rushed into the food court, setting things down and moving tables.

After they were done moving stuff to the court, they started crafting.

Y/n P.O.V.

I was washing my hands when Chica came in, "Hey girl! How are you? I know I just saw you, like, five minutes ago, but still! You never know what could happen in five minutes." She put her hand on my shoulder.

I laughed and shook my hands off, "You right girl, you right. Well, nothing much happened really, Freddy and Sun are fighting over me AGAIN, ya know, I'm kinda getting tired of it! Like, either share or NEITHER of you are getting with me! I like both of you! I mean, I understand the whole deal about it, sharing someone you love is difficult, but if you love that person enough then you SHOULD be able to share! One of these days, I swear!" I groaned out.

I stretched and turned around, "Anyway, I gotta head back out, gotta make sure the boys aren't fi-" "OH MY GOD GIRL! I WANT TO DO YOUR MAKEUP!" She shouted and pulled me up to the sink.

"Wha- Chica!" I couldn't protest because she was already applying makeup on. After she was done she told me to open my eyes. As I did, I heard a chirp coming from Chica and mumbling.

I shook it off and stared at my reflection, a beautiful F/c coloured my eyelids and a smooth shade of blush covered my cheeks. My eyes held wings and my eyelashes were long and curled up a bit. I had a beautiful shade of F/c that matched well with my S/c.

I gasped, "Wow... I look amazing!" I gently touched the mirror, "If only I wasn't wearing this stupid uniform." I groaned, "Completely throws off the whole thing!" I heard a giggle behind me.

I turned around and saw Chica holding a simple outfit, "Totally wasn't about to give this to you~" She teased. I rolled my eyes, "Help me into it." I huffed and chuckled as she helped me strip.

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