Chapter seven

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Powder pov:

"She's a problem", Mylo spoke in his normal irritated tone, not once have I heard him sound any different, a small bang sound echoed through the small room as he threw a ball at a large pipe that was going through the wall. "Mylo I'm really not-" Vi began to speak before being rudely interrupted by his complaining, "Do you remember what was in that bag?!Biggest payout we've ever seen, and she just lost it!" Of course, I should've know he was going to complain about today as soon as I was away from them. 

" She made a mistake!" Vi started trying to defend me, but why would she think that was going to stop his ranting? He threw the ball harder at the pipe, causing me to flinch at the loud sound,"Name one time she hasn't." "She's young.""Don't bullshit me, you were twice the person at half her age." The words that came out of my sisters mouth made my heart rate plummate, feeling nothing but despair, "You know what Mylo, you're right, theres a bunch of things Powder just can't do." I walked away from the croocked door, my head sinking into my chest, I guess that not even my sister believes in me, it was all a lie..

(After danganronpa, everytime I hear the word despair, I think of it now! >:( not that its a problem x)  )

Y/N pov:

"Why so dusty... in here? I cant stop coughing!" I say between coughs. "Vander told us to lay low, enforcers never come down here so, this is good a place as any." Vi commented, I guess she's not wrong, I should stop whinging before people think that Mylo's personality is rubbing off on me. " It is really cool down here! So I guess I shouldn't really be whinning!" I skipped over to Vi, leaning against the banister that surrounds her beloved boxing machine. I smile at her, "What?" She looks over at me chuckling. "I'm watching of course," I laughed, I could feel Vi staring at me, "We'll go on! We haven't got all day!" I ran over to the lever, waiting for Vi to get ready.

 "Pull it!" She shouted over to me, I pulled the lever, the machine came to life instantly. The machine swinging punches every often as I watched Vi dodge every one. Her silky hair flowing back and forth, she moved so fast, it was hard to keep up with what was going on. My heart trate increased as I continued to watch the girl infront of me fight ruthlessly, but at the same time it was mesmerising and elegant. It finished just as quickly as I started.

I looked over at the board, covered with Vi's top scores, exceeding the very best score. I could her as she tried catching her breath. "Wow! That was so awesome!" I ran over to her, jumping up and down with excitement. "Do you wanna try?" She asked, taking off the large boxing gloves, holding them out for me to grab. I stared at them for a moment before taking them. "I'll try my best! But obviously im not going to do as well as you, never in a million years!" I laughed.

I stepped up to the large machine, I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I took a deap breath, even if I can't beat Vi, maybe she'll be happy if I try my hardest, fight with every single muscle in my body, using all I have? I put my hands into the gloves, tightening the straps. Determination flowed through my body, I tilt my head up, staring at the picture of Mylo's "dead" face. "Vi.. I'm ready!" I shouted from the bottom of my lungs, trying to give myself energy and motivation. HERE WE GO!


I am so sorry I haven't posted but I am determind to start publishing more often, I forgot how relaxing and fun it is to think of how the characters will feel in the situations they are in.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter even if its short and probably not the best (TvT).

(a/n) :D x

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