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Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 16

Personality: Nervous, Loner, Serious

Like's: Firearms (any type), Hanging out with Hirano, Staying Aliiiive, Walking Dead Series

Dislikes: Zombies, Getting Disarmed, Killing People, Killing Zombies,


Abilites and Skills:

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Abilites and Skills:

Firearm Expertise: Him and Hirano went on a trip to America where they were trained by the US military contractor Blackwater USA. Which deepened his knowledge in all firearms.

Hand-to-hand Combatant: He is quite good with fighting bare handed. He learned a bit of Boxing and Tae kwon do from his Uncle and his friend.

Level-headed: His able to keeo his cool in a dangourus situation which helps his allies when needed.

Quick-Thinking: His able to think of a new strategy on the spot especially when their on a bind.

Melee Fighter: His has shown to be quite proffecient with a baseball bat and a army knife as well as a baton, staff and a machete thanks to his training in America.
Stay tuned for Chapter 1!!!

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