Chapter 3: The Race Of Heart Beats

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Y/n's pov:

Me and the others were now inside the staff room as we listen intently to the news on the TV as there was still electricity running.

News:"...government has started to do something about this on-going revolt. However, the politicians are doubting the SDF's ability to-" It was cut off as Saeko changed the channel to a different news reporter, which was outside. "The number of deaths in the Saitama prefecture already exceeds 10,000. The prefecture governer has declared a state of emergency- That was a gunfire!" She cut herself as it now showed the police. "Just now, the police opened fire! But what are they shooting at!?" She yelled as it shows two body bags moving as the two get shot.

Then everything we heard were panic screams and desperate call for help as the camera falls to the ground. Then it was replaced by static before going back to the studio.

News:"There's been some sort of problem. F-from now on, we'll be broadcasting from the studio here. As you can tell, the situation outside has become grave. We advise you please stay in your homes unless necessary. Once it's safer outside, we'll bring you information about the on-going situation." She said as the broadcast switches.

Takashi:"That's all!? Why aren't they saying more!?" He yelled as he slams his fist on a table.

Y/n:"I understand you're frustration, but this is how they work. Their just afraid of a panic."

Hirano:"What do you mean, Y/n?" My best friend asked me

Y/n:"I'm saying, who wouldn't panic at a time like this, especially when they show that the people that protect their lives can't gurantee their safety." I stated as they understood.

Takagi:"Y/n's right, if they began to panic, it'll cause more chaos, which lead to anarchy and I'm sure nobody want's that at a time like this." She explained to everyone as they all understood.

News:"The unusual phenomenon has spread throughout America and has yet to be brought to control." The news said as I look at it intently. "The government authorities have evacuated the White House and will relocate to a command center on board an aircraft carrier." It said as they show a line of military men shooting at a hoard.

News:"Their are reports that his transfer is in preperation for the possible use of tactical warheads

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News:"Their are reports that his transfer is in preperation for the possible use of tactical warheads. We have curently lost connection with Moscow. Beijing has been set ablaze. London has maintained order, but in Paris and Rome, there are reports of looting." It said as it started losing signal. "" It was cut off as it was replaced with static.

Y/n:"So, their all over the world now...I just hope England is in a much stable condition." I said to myself as I began to worry about my family, especially my little sister. "Though that beg's the question, how are they able to spread throughout the world with just over a few hours?" I questioned.

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