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"What're you doing here?" I asked the boy who was standing in my studio doorway

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"What're you doing here?" I asked the boy who was standing in my studio doorway.

"Coming to show you the last song I've written?" he answered, questioningly.

"Don't you have a flight tomorrow, to Berlin?" I pointed out.

"Don't you need to get this album done in two weeks?" the boy attacked verbally.

Sunwoo knew for a fact, that I was not done with one and a half more songs, excluding the ones he decided to help out writing.

My eyes fell into a line, eyes half-lidded in annoyance.

"Fine," I said, stepping to the side to let him into the studio.

Sunwoo quickly entered and started plugging in his thumbdrive into my laptop, as per usual.

"You could've just sent me the song, ya'know," I pointed out, still not backing down from the fact this boy is supposed to be at the dorms packing his bag.

"Yeah, but thenn, if there's anything to change, it has to be done through text," he said.

"We can always Skype or Facetime," I suggested.

"Anyways, this one's called Break your rules," he introduced before playing the song.

The song was cheery and vibrant. A big contrast from their title track. It gave the album its diversity and was definitely a good addition. It just needed some... tweaking.

"Can you make the ending more of a techno fade out?" I suggested.

He played around with the settings and after about ten minutes, there was that really pretty, vintage-ish fade out as the outro.

"That's better," I said.

"That IS better," he repeated with more emphasis.

"Great, now that that's done. Please, leave," I deadpanned.

"Are you kicking me out of the studio?" he asked, giving a small pout.

I let out a sigh, looking at his sparkly eyes. "I'm not kicking you out," I confessed. "I just really think you should rest before your Europe Tour. Who knows when you'll last get a really good night's sleep."

"But the dorm is so messy~" he whined.

"Even when you're not there?" I asked for confirmation.

He nodded, showing me a picture of the dorms on his phone. He mentioned that he took it earlier before he left. He continued to show me a video tool

"That's something," I commented. "Wah... Unebelievable." The video panned to show their luggages that were laid out in their living room. There were rows upon rows of luggages.

"Believe it, baby," he said, bringing his phone back to its home screen.

"Are most of it Chanhee's?" I asked.

"Ding Ding Ding!" he imitated.

"I still remember when we went to New York. Good lord. Boy had more bags than me, and you're the idols," I recalled jokingly.

Sunwoo let out a laugh, and a threat saying he was going to tell Chanhee that. Immediately, I begged him not to, to avoid my ass getting whooped by Chanhee when he comes in for recording.

"So, can I stay here?" he asked, bringing back the question topic.

"If your dorm is THAT messy, I think it would be better to stay here. Y'know, in a TIDY studio," I welcomed.

Without further ado, the boy got out from my seat and now laid down on the sofa behind.

"What're you working on now?" he asked.

"Salty and later, if I'm fast enough, Goodbye," I shared. "Oh! I had an idea for Goodbye the other day, hold on," I said, pulling out my notes for Goodbye.

My laptop was in a practical mess, since I have my gotten the time to really arrange everything again. I'll do it someday though (no I am not).

"I was playing around with my violin the other day. And came up with this for the intro," I said.

(it's the front violin part)

"I layered it a few times and I got this," I continued with the violin playing the background.

Sunwoo, now sat up, bringing his attention to the violin blasting in the studio speakers.

"What's the song about?" he asked.

"It's about post-goodbyes. The feeling after you've said goodbye to someone you've loved for so long," I explained, hands gripping at my chest to show the pain in the song.

"Sohee-yah," Sunwoo called. "When did you become this emo!" he exclaimed, clearly feeling the same fictional pain.

I let out a laugh at how the boy reacted. He joined in a few minutes later.

"No but seriously, where did you get that idea?" he asked.

"I was watching Up the other day, decided it would be nice to write a song on it," I confessed.

"Ohh," he noted. "OHHH," he realised. "Next time I need to feel sad or emotional, remind me to go watch Up with you," he stated.

"Okay. Can do!" I went along with the joke.

"You should do a high note relay in the last part," Sunwoo suggested. My ears perked up. "It will simulate how that pain rips through someone."

"Oh! That's great! That's amazing! Hold on. Let me jot that down," I exclaimed, eyes widened.

I like this. How Sunwoo and I are able to bounce ideas off each other when we compose our songs. It was a nice bonding session, so that we are able to write better songs in the future. Although, the back of head keeps shouting at me that this could lead to something else <insert wink>

"Okay, Monsieur Kim," I joked, turning around and resting my elbow on the armrest of my chair. I leaned forward resting my chin on the knuckle of my hand. "Help me with Salty now," I said, bringing up the song that we were initially supposed to do.

"Salty..." Sunwoo started, probably trying to find some fancy words to sound philosophical. "Salty is about the bitter, realistic moments couples have no matter how in love they may be."

He now sat, hands intertwined together, elbows on his knees. He looked like he was in a business meeting, in all honesty.

"Wow! Wow!" I commented sarcastically, sitting back.

"Tell me more," I continued to play with the boy.

"Tell me more," I continued to play with the boy

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the girl behind the music: comfort - a tbz kim sunwoo ffWhere stories live. Discover now