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Did i forget to mention I'm absolutely terrified of height?

I went on this stupid ride for Noelle it was worth it because she wouldn't stop giggling and smiling.

I on the other hand tried to control my screams when we were at the top of the ride and there was a huge drop.

My hand reached out for something to hold.

I ended up grabbing Noelle's thigh and holding it throughout the whole ride.

She looked at me with red flustered cheeks

"Sorry" I embarrassedly pulled my hand off her rubbing the back of my neck sheepishly.


After that Noelle suggested we go on lower rides. I didn't tell her I was afraid of heights I guess she figured it out.

It's been me and Noelle going on rides alone I have no idea where the rest of the group is. This was Noah's plan all along to get me and Elle to hang out alone.

"Let's go find the rest of the group" we walk into random parts of the fair until we see Mia and Noah talking to two other people.

"Hey, guys," I say as I do a handshake logan

"This is Logan and Hannah, Hannah and Logan this is Elle"

We greeted each other then went to the food stands "what would you like?" I ask Noelle when we get to the food stand.

"Cotton candy" she looks up at me with pleading eyes.

"No, actual food Elle"

"But the is actual food"


"Fine, I'll buy it myself"

She walks up to the cotton candy stand and I pull her back. I quickly ordered her a hot dog and sprite and a burger for myself.

After everyone has ordered their food we sit down. Elle sits next to Hannah and Mia and I sit with Logan and Noah.

They laugh and joke around talking about random things. I watch as Hannah and Mia say something to Noelle and she looks at me with a red face I smirk back at her.

After we eat we decided to play some games before we leave we walk to the ring toss game

Noelle tried tossing the ring onto the cone multiple times and failed "wait one more time" she begged and I gave the instructor more money for another turn

she tossed the ring so high into the air it got stuck on a tree. "Sorry" she mumbled coming to stand next to me.

Handing the worker some money I grabbed the rings and threw them all right onto the cone.

"Congrats," the worker said," what prize would you like?" he said in a bored tone.

"What stuffed animal would you like Elle?"

"The giant bear" she smiled

I held the giant white bear for her as we finally exited the fair.

I said goodbye to Hannah and Logan, Elle gave Hannah a hug and Logan a smile then got into the car.


"Good night," we say to Noelle when we drop her off at her house.

I climb into the passenger's seat after i walked her to her door we head home.

"Mom, dad we're home" I yell

"How were the fair boys?" Mom asked me and Noah as she hugs us.

"It was really fun"

I walk upstairs into my room and strip off my clothes to take a shower. I walk out of the shower with a towel around my waist and grab another to dry my hair.

Walking into my closet I grab grey sweats throw them on and get into bed



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I copy and paste my writing from notes to wp Idk why but when it's on notes it feels so long then when I paste to wp there are only 500 words and I'm like dude what I swear it was longer. From now on my chapters are going to be longer i promise 😭

*edited by grammarly ofc

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