It'll be okay...

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"Richie?" Eddie muttered before walking away. He had just confessed his love to him and wanted to say one last thing before going home.
"Yeah, spaghetti?" Richie asked, his wide smile slowly dying from fear he would say something awful.
"Promise it'll be okay?"
"I swear. It'll be okay." Richie said, he cursed himself out in his mind, he didn't really know, why would he promise. His thoughts were interrupted by a pair of arms around his waist hugging him, he found it funny how much shorter Eddie was then him. He hugged the other back and rested his head on his. Eddie reluctantly pulled away and walked out the door to go home.

Richie marched upstairs to his room which was decorated with posters of ABBA and Jimi Hendrix. He flopped on his bed, like a schoolgirl that just got off the phone with her crush that she'd had since the first grade. He already missed him.

Eddie arrived home and saw his mother sitting in her recliner passed out holding a beer in her left hand which was slowly tipping over beckoning the beer to spill all over her flowery blouse. He ignored this, however, and walked up to his room. He sat down on his bed his hands in his hair, almost crying. What if she found out? She'd think it's my "illness" She'd send me away. His mind raced, he regretted telling Richie how he felt even though he felt the same way. His mom was going to find out, and what then?

He almost threw up on his hardwood floor, he couldn't just keep this a secret. Soon enough he heard his phone ring on his nightstand. He picked it up and put it to his ear, he heard the familiar voice of Richie Tozier and felt at ease, he remembered why he told him everything, he made him feel safe.

"Hey, Edds, I was thinking that since now we're really together we could maybe go out? Like to the arcade or something, play some games? Or- or really whatever you'd like, I was just thinking and- It's really okay if you don't want to-"

"Of course Richie, I'd love to." Eddie smiled against the phone, tears still in his eyes.

"Okay so, when?"

"Uhm, this Friday? Does that work?"

"Yeah! My schedule is pretty much wide open except for Thursday when I have to visit my gramma." Richie said, Eddie could practically hear the eye roll coming from Richie.

"It's a date then." Eddie said quietly. He heard his mom yelling to him from downstairs. "But for now I have to go, bye Rich."

"Bye-" He was cut off by Eddie hanging up the phone. He ran downstairs to his mom.

"Yes mommy?" Eddie said.

"Could you get me another beer out of the fridge, dear? And take your meds while you're at it, I know you didn't when you got home." She said in a soft tone. Eddie didn't like that she drank. And she was a couch potato. She never got up, only every once in a while to take a beer piss, that was all she ever drank, she probably had kidney stones.

"Yeah, I can." Eddie said and walked into the kitchen to the fridge to grab a bud light. According to her it wasn't the good stuff but it was all they had when she went to the store last. Eddie grabbed the last one off of the shelf of the fridge and walked it back to his mother.

He walked back to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of pills, he didn't bother to learn what they were for, it was all bullshit anyway. He grabbed a few out and put the bottle away. He walked back upstairs and made a pit stop in the bathroom to flush the pills down the toilet.

Eddie walked back up to his room and sat down on his bed. He glanced over at his phone wondering wether he should dial Richie back or not. After a while he decided he would and called his official boyfriend. Richie picked up almost instantly.

"Hello?" He said calmly not realizing it was Eddie.

"Hey, Richie!" Eddie smiled. He heard a short breath come from the other side of the phone. "Are you okay?" He asked.

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