The Neeks

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Hello Chippies! Today I decided to tell you about my group of friends.

My friends and I call ourselves the neeks.
Neek- Definition: A combination of a nerd and a geek, Neeks are unique and funny and awesome, and quite possibly the weirdest people you will ever meet.


The Neeks consist of:
Ameryn Hannah Zoe Peters AKA Amie AKA Ameronie AKA Amsterdam (ME!)
Hannah Grace October AKA Hanoba AKA Hanapeno AKA ChiHannah (HannahOctober12)
Ishaarah Cassim AKA Ishi AKA Malayishi AKA Icharah
Lindsay Rachel Noland AKA Linny AKA Irelandsy AKA Linsangne (LinnyR5er)

As you can see, we make up lots of different names for each other. We each have place names, food names and a nickname. We are so crazy, we love trying new combinations. The ULTIMATE COMBINATION: Chicken strips and the blue Doritos. ITS SERIOUSLY THE BEST THING YOU WILL EVER TASTE.
The other day I had the white chocolate KitKat and Blue Doritos together it was sooo good. We dip spicy pretzels in melted Bubblyy chocolate, and Mini Cheddars in yoghurt.

And those are just SOME of our weird combinations. Another thing: we are so random. Literally, once we sang to a tree about all its little leaves and pole danced around it.

Ishi and I have been friends since Grade 4, and we only recently became friends with Hanoba and Linny around Grade 6 or 7, but it feels as if we've been together forever. I've realised that it doesn't really matter how long you've known a person, it's the experiences you've had while you were together that counts.

So yeah, that's all about my friends and I. It's really sad that we are all at different highschools (except Hanoba and Ishi), but we will never stop being friends, I honestly cannot imagine my life without my weird awesome Neek friends and I love them so much. We are all making new friends but I know that whatever happens, we will always find our way back back to each other.

Goodbye, my lovely chippies! I hope that you will, if you haven't already, find friends as awesome as mine.

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