The Promise Ring

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Sunshine seeps through my window and my eyes flutter. I have been feeling particularly tired these days. I am nearing the end of my high school career and the work load continued to increase. The question of what to do next weighs heavily on me- especially since my boyfriend wasn't exactly the sort of person who enjoys buckling down and doing hard work for money. This is something I actually find rather charming about him... but it doesn't make the scenario seem less daunting. 

A knock on my door breaks my stream of anxious thoughts and I sit up in bed.

"Good morning, I need you opinion," Eric calls. 

I wipe my hand down my face tiredly, "It's a bit early for any opinions isn't it?"

"Seriously, I need your help, Y/n".

I sigh and throw the covers off myself and make my way to the door. 

"What do you need?" 

Eric is standing on the other side of my door, two shirts in hand, "Which shirt should I wear to propose to Donna?"

My eyes widen, "Pardon?"

"I said which shirt should I-"

"No I heard what you said, but you're being insane. Are you proposing to Donna?"

"Not a proposal proposal, but I have a promise ring and I wan't to make sure we're on the same track. I just want confirmation that she loves me and is committed to me in the same way that I am to her!" He explains.

"This couldn't have been done through a conversation?" I ask, feeling wary about this decision, knowing about Donna's commitment problems. 

It wasn't that she was uncomfortable committing to some one necessarily, but this was a big deal, and Donna is very independent. Plus, it's not as if her parents are exactly reassurance that she would be making the right choice. 

"What better way to get a conversation started!" 

I stare at him for a moment and helplessly motion to the shirt on the right, "The blue will really bring out the insanity in your eyes."

He frowns and drops his hands to his sides, "I'm not insane for wanting to promise myself to Donna."

"No, Eric I think that part is beautiful. You're insane for doing this without first having talked about it with her," I reply. 

"That would have ruined the surprise!" He exclaims.

"Oh trust me, she will definitely be surprised now," I raise my eyebrows.

"Look, I know Donna, and I know that she will be happy with this ring," Eric declares. 

I shrug and raise my hands in surrender, "alright! Alright, you are in the relationship with Donna, not me."

"No! You're not."

At around 12 pm I was helping mom set the table for lunch, when Steven and Eric walk into the kitchen. They stop talking with they see me and Eric quickly leaves. I furrow my brow, slightly offended, but mainly curious. 

"Hey Mrs. Foreman! Hey Y/n! What's for lunch?" Steven asks. 

"Grilled cheese and salad," I reply, squinting at him. 

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