Chapter 3

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New York, 6:25 PM

Kraven was back in New York. His next plan of action? Find more cryptids to hunt. He knew that he would have to go face-to-face against Spider-Man sooner or later, but this act would prove how much stronger he has gotten since the last time they faced off.

From what he and Calypso had learned, these cryptids are located in several parts of the world. Some being right there in New York. The first challenge would be finding them. He has no scent to go off, so he would have to go off of where they were last seen. The next hunt was already on. Unbeknownst to him, he was already being hunted. And the would-be hunters had already arrived over 30 minutes ago.


The Saturdays were already in New York, beating out Kraven, who was travelling by plane by over 30 minutes thanks to the speed of the airship. They were already searching for the hunter, but during their search, Doc had learned that several scientists from around the world were meeting here in New York two days from now. He noted that three members of the Secret Scientists would be present. Those three being Dr. Miranda Grey, Dr. David Bara, and Dr. Mizuki.

While it would be nice to catch up with them, it would have to wait after they finished what they came to New York for. If Kraven was known for these types of hunts, they inferred that he would be on another hunt again. It wasn't much to go off of like Drew said, but something is better than nothing. For now they banked off the belief that it was only a matter of time before they found him.

Aunt May's Home

Peter was hard at work, studying for an upcoming algebra test that was six days from now. As he was writing down a solution, he heard his phone buzzing. It was Gwen. He went to answer it.

"Hello?" He said.

"Hey Pete." Gwen said on the other end.

"Hey Gwen? Are you doing alright?" He asked.

"Yeah. And you?"

"Wonderful. Trying to study for this upcoming math exam."

"You've got the right idea. I probably should get on that. But that's not why I called." She said.

"What is it? Is something wrong with Harry?"

"No it's not that. It's Eddie." Gwen said. Peter didn't really know how to feel.

"There's a name I didn't expect to hear again." Peter thought.

"I heard that from MJ that he's just been mentally cleared from the hospital. He's getting ready to leave in a few. I know you two haven't exactly been on the best of terms as of late. But you guys were childhood friends, so I still thought I should let you know." She said. She knew it wasn't up to her whether or not he came to see him or not, or if their friendship would be mended, so she left it at that.

"That's good to hear! I'll tell Aunt May I'm going to go see him. Thanks for telling me Gwen." Peter said.

"That's great! I'll talk to you later Pete." She said.

"Bye Gwen." Both hung up.

Peter told his Aunt May the news about Eddie, and she responded saying how great it was to know that he's doing okay now. She offered that he take some food with him in case he was out long, also adding that food is a great way for people to get together and bond. He was sure he didn't need it, but he took some food that she packed for him and Eddie.

Peter was outside walking in a breezy part of the day. The sort of breeze that didn't feel cold, but inversely felt great. The type of breeze that would make you want to stay outside until it went away.

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