Chapter 6: Their Fiery Wrath

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The tall walls of the hallway felt strangely suffocating to Cassian. Despite the vastness of the entire palace, he felt like he was being squeezed alive.

The presence of the royal family eased him ever so slightly. The king and queen warmly welcomed Cassian, and the duke and duchess of Palmon and Philia.

"Ah, the second son of the Palmon," said the king. "I've heard of you."

"I'm honored, your highness," responded Cassian.

"Is the daughter of Philia in attendance?" The queen asked.

Cassian firmly pressed his lips together as the Duke of Philia replied. "No, she had not been feeling well as of late."

After words of pleasantries were exchanged, Cassian excused himself to the nearby patio to for some fresh air. Steps could be heard approaching him.

Cassian turned to see the crown prince, face void of emotion. He turned to greet him. "Greetings Prince Aurelius."

"Cassian," said the prince. He seemed to address him with a familiarity, but it somehow felt distant.

Unable to look at him in the eye, Cassian kept his head down.

Prince Aurelius sighs. "Strangers again hm?"

"I don't deserve to have such friendship," replies Cassian.

"Suit yourself," says the prince. He rests his arms on the railing. "Stand beside me Cassian."

Cassian finally raises his head. "Yes, your highness."

"I expect you know what I want to address."

He hesitates before replying. "I believe I do."

"I don't think you'll enjoy my wrath as much as you enjoyed yours with Lady Aristelle." The prince then turned to Cassian. "Face me, Cassian."

He complies.

Before he could meet the prince's eyes, there was an iron grip on his chin. Then his lips were suddenly sealed. Prince Aurelius?!

There was a rough exchange of breaths before Cassian pushed Prince Aurelius' shoulders away. He stumbled on his own feet and fell to the ground, covering his mouth in shock. "W-what are you doing, your highness?"

"Teaching you a lesson." The prince said while retracting his hand. He bent down at Cassian's level, brows furrowed at Cassian's reddened face. "But this is nothing compared to what Lady Aristelle is facing now."

"I don't understand," said Cassian. But he lied, he knew exactly what he did, but he hadn't accepted the consequences of actions.

"Have a safe journey home, Cassian," said Prince Aurelius, brushing his pants off. "You're excused."


It is a familiar scene before her, the rose garden bathed in the morning sun.

Aristelle gathered her skirt and started to make her way through the place before pausing. She had no shoes. She rested her head on her palm and wondered, has she already let herself loose already?

"Aris," said a voice from above her.

She turned to see a face reminiscent of Cassian's. But it wasn't him, it was another face that rang loudly in her memories. Her voice came out in a squeak. "Soleil!" She realized that her body had shrunk, she was no longer that grown woman of marriageable age.

Soleil grinned. "Forgotten your shoes again?"

Aristelle turned away. "They make my feet hurt when I dance in them."

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