17. Just the way

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From the moment their parents died, Mia took the responsibility of being the primary protector of her brother, Thomas. She could only blame the circumstances back then for she was forced to become mature at an early age. Not that she's regretting it, but it's the opposite. She saw how the world can be cruel but one could find a way to forgive and move forward. Yes, she's been hurt a lot and felt abandoned but there would always be a breakthrough if you're willing to rise up in your own situation. There's always hope. There's always a way.

She listened attentively to her new found family in Viola Shechem. This is to face and know what had transpired in the past. The duchess told her everything she needed to grasp. They talked about her untold childhood until the accident and the pain of knowing that Viola's cousin-in-law, who was Mia's mother, died at the early stage of life.

Lydia Shechem fell in love with Luke Eakins way back when the man traveled to the Middle-east continent. Their first meeting was only by chance when Luke became a reliever in place of his co-worker during the period where the Shechem clan visited the States for a diplomatic tour. The odds were that during the time the patriarch of the clan suffered a difficulty in breathing, Luke was assigned as one of his local nurses. The whole medical staffs traveled to the foreign country to attend to the patriarch and the rest is history.

"As I've said to your mother, it's a fluke. But Lydia told me, it's called fate." The duchess uttered at the end. Both women cried and laughed. Viola promised to give Mia a tour of the Northern territory if she wanted to visit her roots at a future time. The young woman nodded happily and hoped that they would meet again soon. They saved each other's contact details and bade their goodbyes because the duchess needed to catch her flight back home.

When Mia returned to the suite, it's already midnight. She has an indescribable feeling of joy and at the same time, sadness. How she wished her parents were still alive. Surely, their little family would travel to their native land. Laying down to the bed with a smile, she closed her eyes with satisfaction.

Morning came.

The video and photoshoot will take place at the resort part of the Incantevole Grand Hotel. The companies rented the whole place for a day to keep Mia's identity a secret and away from the reporters. The production team arrived at the set on time and the two artists were preparing their scenes in their separate tents. The atmosphere is full of excitement as the two personalities will finally meet and will share a screen.

When the handsome prince stepped out of his tent, the whole team along with Leah were hypnotized by his striking presence. Neero, who's wearing a loose-black long sleeves paired with white trousers, walked elegantly towards the director. His sleeves were folded up to his elbow and the shirt was open-up just above his stomach. His slightly bronze skin also matched his sturdy demeanor. Simply put, the First Prince emits a huge amount of manliness with the whole attire.

The ladies in the vicinity couldn't help but to gawk at his exposed chest as the royalty stood and talked with the creative director. Judah smirked at his brother's effect on the people, especially the butterflies. He sighed and would impatiently wait for the shoot to end because he needed to deliver his eldest brother to the King.

Not long after the First Prince's entrance, Mia also exited her dressing room. No one noticed how Neero's eyes became soft when he saw her come out. Nobody saw how his lips curved up to a little smile when the woman, who's wearing a red low-neck and knee-length long-sleeve dress, entered the party. All of them were allured by Mia.

The woman gracefully and confidently walked towards the shooting director for the instruction. She stood beside the royal prince and the two perfectly fit each other in everyone's eyes.

"Alright! We will start now. Gather around!" The assistant director called. The team huddled before the work commenced.

Everybody was amazed with the way the two talents complimented each other. Both didn't hesitate to obey all the instructions thrown at them. They've noticed that the two are very indulged in what they're doing. An example is the requirement for the current scene. The man needs to hold the woman lovingly and needs to express an emotion that he will never let go of her.

Neero easily portrayed the role while possessively hugging the woman. Mia, in return, naturally accepted the gesture and responded accordingly. Both depicted the right stances and made the atmosphere hot.

"Cut!" The director shouted with satisfaction. "Eccezionale!" (Outstanding!)

The photoshoot ended and the joyful team took a one-hour break.

"M, I've never been more proud of you. You're so great! Both of you are! It's like the two of you are so in love with one another." Leah blurted out while her friend drank on her glass.

Mia almost spit out the water but thankfully she didn't. She and Leah heard a low chuckle not too far from them. Neero slowly strode towards the two women. His handsome brother, Judah, followed him.

Leah was nervous as the royalties approached. "Y... your royal highness. I didn't mean to say those things. I was just carried away." She hung her head down.

The prince nodded with understanding. "It's okay. I cannot blame you." He simply said smiling.

Leah was puzzled with the words but nonetheless stepped aside as the man was staring straight at Mia.


"Your highness." Mia greeted in return and also bowed down her head.

Judah smirked as he saw Neero clenched his jaws. He knows that the woman in front of them is special to the First Prince since the incident at the club and that she seemed to enjoy teasing his elder brother.

"Amelia and I need to discuss the next shoot." Neero said to no one in particular while still staring at the woman. His mood darken with how she formally addressed him. He rather hears his name upon her cherry lips.

Mia raised her eyebrows at the statement but nonetheless followed Neero as he walked towards his dressing room. Once she stepped her foot inside the tent, the gorgeous man hugged her and nuzzled on her right shoulder.

"N... Neero." Mia sighed but let the man be.

"Just for a while." The man uttered, claiming his yearning for the woman's warmth from yesternight. When he didn't find the woman after his conversation with Judah last night, he felt somewhat lonely and incomplete.

After some time, the prince let go of the woman and stared at her. "You seemed happy."

"Happier." Mia said truthfully as she thought of her Auntie Viola.

"Hmm." Neero simply smiled. He doesn't want to pry and just let Mia tell him about it when she feels like sharing.

"So, what about the next shoot?" Mia inquired while Neero nonchalantly led her to the couch and pulled her over his lap.

'This brazen man!'

Neero chuckled and gently caressed her thighs. He leaned his back to the sofa and closed his eyes while caging Mia onto him. They stayed like that for several minutes.

"Do you want to know?" Mia said amidst the silence. When the man didn't respond, she still shared about her childhood experience.

Unknown to her, Neero already knew about the woman's accident and her foster family but still, he patiently listens to the woman.

"And I met my mother's cousin last night. I'm gonna introduce my brother, Thomas, to her in the future." Mia gave off a radiant smile.

"I am happy that you have met one of your biological family." Neero uttered genuinely.

"Of course! Auntie Viola is an amazing person." Mia replied with a cheerful tone.

"What's that again?" Neero opened his eyes and looked at the woman.

"My auntie. Viola Shechem. You know her, right? She's one of your people." Mia informed him and observed his reaction.

Neero silently nodded but clenched his fists at the same time.

* * * * * * *

A/N: Uploaded this one because I'm gonna be busy this week.

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