Managing Boys (13)

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Having gym as your last period had its ups and its downs. It was usually super hot unless it was winter, so we'd sweat no matter what we did. But on the plus side, we got to go home right afterwards so it didn't really matter if we got all sweaty.

But having the four boys of Hello Aria just made it worse. Not only did I not want any of them to see me sweating, but they were the kinds of guys that would make fun of me for it.

Soccer was the unit we were now in, and I was pretty decent at soccer, so it wasn't all bad. My only problem was that we were out in the hot sun.

"Since we have four new students," Mrs. Lewis began once we were out on the field, and all the girls giggled as I rolled my eyes, "we're going to have to switch the teams up just a little bit."

How great. Knowing my luck, I was going to be stuck with all four boys on my team. And then even more girls would hate me for stealing the boys away from them.

But much to my surprise, I wasn't put on a team with any of the boys. But that didn't mean I wasn't going to play against them, which was definitely not something that I was looking forward to. Though I'd only seen Ash when we'd played baseball, I could tell that all four of them were athletic.

"On field one are teams two and six," Mrs. Lewis called as she read the teams off her sheet. I looked over to see that she had called Ash and Ben's teams. "On field two are teams three and four."

I made a face when I heard her call my team. When I looked over to see who was on team four, my stomach dropped when I saw that Grim was there.

This should be fun.

"Aria, you be goalie," one of the girls on my team hissed at me, and I knew she was only saying this so I would be as far away from Grim as possible. I wasn't complaining, since goalie wasn't that hard of a job and I got to stay away from Grim.

But as we played, the other team must have sucked, because the ball stayed at the other side of the field pretty much the entire time. And whenever it started coming toward me, it was Grim who had it. But then someone on my team would steal it away from him and they'd be at the other end of the field again.

I was tempted to just sit down in the grass, because I was growing bored and tired. There wasn't even any point of trying since I wasn't ever going to get the ball.

But then suddenly, a boy came running with the ball toward me. I perked up, actually going to try as he kicked it toward one of the girls on his team.

"Grim, heads up!" the squeaky girl called out, kicking the ball toward him now. Grim got it and began kicking it toward me. He seemed pretty decent, but definitely not good enough to play on a team.

As if to prove my point, he tried and kick the ball into my goal and ended up slipping and falling right onto his back. Pretty much every girl on the field flocked toward him to make sure he was alright, but all I did was laugh harder than I had ever laughed before.

"Let me guess," I laughed, unable to control myself. "Soccer isn't your sport?"

Grim scowled at me as he pushed himself up off the ground, declining the girls that had offered to help him up just so they could say they had touched Grim Worthington. "Out of the two of us," Grim began, "I would say that I'm the most athletic."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you challenging me?"

He shrugged, brushing dirt off of his shoulder. "Sure, why not?"

I smirked, not afraid of him. He was a musician, so how athletic could he really be?

"We'll race around the field," I suggested when I saw Mrs. Lewis leave the field and go toward the locker room, where I knew she'd be for a good five minutes, which was plenty of time for us to get around.

Managing BoysWhere stories live. Discover now