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i was in the hospital bed laying down bcus the baby hadnt come yet and the due date passed everyday theyve been having me walk around the hospital to help it i was watching tv when omar and the doctor walked in ok momma time for our daily walk she said i really hated this man this lil nigga need to come im sick of these walks i said girl get up omar said omar helped me out the bed omar has been in this hospital with me everyday he grabed the lil water bag thing and followed me out the room he followed me we walked around as omar held my hand we made our way around the hall back to the room i laid back in the bed as he sat on the couch the doctor went on the computer so mama and father she said we looked at her since the baby is being a lil stubborn she laughed a lil we are going to do labor induction where the doctors will pop the water bag and you should have your baby some hours later she said we nodded it will be painful than a regular birth because the contractions will be more stronger she said oml i said i already wasnt getting the epidural the doctors will come in and get you prepped and stuff she said we nodded she walked out im scared i said omar came over to the bed your gonna be ok im right here im not going anywhere he said kissing my forehead i started crying i have been very emotional lately whats wrong he said im scared omar im scared your gonna leave and that ima have to do this by myself i said deja im not going anywhere im right here I promise i got you through the way im sorry for everything i did but im not going anywhere he said grabbing my hand i love you he said i love you to i said he wiped my tears and kissed my forehead I smiled and he went over to the side of the bed since they had a chair onside of me we went to watching the tv the door opened and two girl doctors walked in are you staying for the process father one of them said i looked at him with pleading eyes yea im staying he said ok they said bringing all the equipment in i smiled as he grabbed my hand the put my legs up and moved the cover back they raised my hospital gown on

we were going to the hospital to go chill with deja it was the group tea imani mamak and mamap (megans mom) we walked in the lobby mama said her name shes going through the induced process right now and when they are done i will let yall know the woman said we nodded and walked over to the seat whats the induced process sharife asked its when the baby didnt come yet and they have to induce her or popping her water bag so the baby could come faster mamak said we nodded

the doctors finished and the process was very uncomfortable i havent had anything stuck in my vagina in a very long time they left out the room im so ready for this baby to come out i said putting my legs down omar nodded i put the pillow behind my head and i laid the bed back i fell asleep

deja had fell asleep it was dark in the room the only light was the tv and the blinds was a lil open somebody knocked on the door i stood up walking over to the door I opened it i seen my mama dejas mom and the group i let them in they walked in and sat around the room in the chairs is she getting the epidural my mom asked me the what i said i was clueless of what she just said did they stick something in her back her mother asked uh no i said they gotta stick it in her back josh asked yea she said thats got to hurt jalen said not really its just really cold but its gonna hurt since shes doing natural my mama said we nodded a couple hours later deja had woken up due to contractions coming every five seconds she was blowing out breaths go get a doctor my mother said the boys ran out

i got woken up by the contractions that came every five seconds i was blowing and blowing the boy ran to get the doctors breath baby my mom said another came and another came the doctors came in and brought everybody to a waiting room down the hall except for omar he stayed in the room they finna hear me scream today they checked how much dilated i was and i was enough cm dilated to push ok lets go the doctors said they raised my legs up omar grabbed my hand you ready mama the docter said i shook my head no ok momma give me a couple big pushes she said as i was pushing i didnt have any epidural so it was ripping the line between my vagina and butt and that was my skin so i was screaming

they brought us to this waiting room we were just waiting no talking nothing we heard screaming coming from down the hall thats gotta hurt

i got the head one doctor said give me one big push mama she said i cant i said crying you got this mama she said come on baby you almost done omar said i cried some more one more mama the doctor said  i used all the power i had in my body to give her another push and a bitch was screaming like i just got shot or some shit i heard crying they had omar cut the umbilical cord off of him they wiped him off and handed him to me they put him on my chest they got this chest to chest thing for the mother and father so they could know you good job mama omar said wiping the tears off my face he kissed my forehead and i gave him a small smile i was tired exhausted i went my two hours then omar took his shirt off and i handed him to him and he put him on his chest he was 7 pounds and 11 ounces hes so small omar said ik right the doctors came back and took him to get dressed and they took his pictures

DEJAS POVi got the head one doctor said give me one big push mama she said i cant i said crying you got this mama she said come on baby you almost done omar said i cried some more one more mama the doctor said  i used all the power i had in my bod...

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they then came back and they had a wheelchair time to move the doctor said i was in a room for labour and i was going to my regular room omar helped me into the wheelchair and they handed me the baby they then grabbed all my stuff and handed it to omar they then rolled me to the other room omar helped me on the new bed and i laid down they put the baby in the lil bed yall know what im talm bout omar sat down at the foot of the bed i was exhausted and tired so i laid back and fell asleep

deja fell asleep and i just admired omar he was so small the family walked in the room was that her screaming my mom asked im pretty sure i said they nodded they came over to the baby how much did he weigh her mom asked  7 pounds and 11 ounces i said they nodded they then sat down and i walked out the room i was going to change set up the crib at the house and get a carseat i walked out the hospital going to the car i got in and drove home once i got home i went and did everything I needed to do i then left going to walmart i got all i needed i then left out i  drove back to the hospital and got out i walked back up to her room and went in i sat the stuff down i seen that everybody had left it was dark in the room deja was still sleeping so i went over to the couch and sat down i sat the bags next to me i had brought deja some clothes for when we leave the hospital in a few days i laid on the couch and i looked at my phone before i fell asleep


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