Chapter 2: Stubbornness - at least that's one thing we have in common

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"Wait, Xiao!"

The youth turned to acknowledge the voice. The man that called pushed a bag of freshly baked bread to Xiao, wiping his other hand against his apron, which frills, in contrast to his large build, had always come across as tacky to the youth.

"Try them and tell me what you think," the man smiles, "I'll put them up for sale if you like it."

Xiao hummed a reply and took the bag. It was a daily occurrence for his caretaker, Zhongli, to supply him with a fresh batch of bread every morning. The man never had talent for baking, having most of his sales come from the neighboring elderly people who purchase his concoctions out of sympathy. Of course, Zhongli doesn't know that. No one, including Xiao, could bring themselves to tell him that perhaps he should try his hand at cooking something else.

"Thanks Mr. Zhongli," he says, slinging his bag over a shoulder before promptly leaving for the exit.

"Try to come back early for dinner!"

The man calls from behind, but Xiao does not reply. As he left the bakery, he saw a familiar blonde, already waiting for him by the pavement. With a shining smile, his friend raised a hand to greet him.

"You're early, Aether," Xiao says as he shoves the bag of bread to his friend, briefly peeking behind to confirm that Zhongli did not witness his crime.

" You're early, Xiao," Aether grins, peeking into his bag of goods, "Yikes, another batch of osmanthus honey paste bean buns?"

"Don't complain when you receive free food," Xiao sighs, pacing ahead as his friend jogged to catch up.

"Why does Mr. Zhongli insists on baking bread when he's so bad at it?" Aether wonders aloud, taking a big bite from a pastry and then wincing at its... unique flavor.

Xiao ignores the comment, choosing to be distracted by the spring breeze that blew pleasantly against his face. As the fluttering pink blossoms descended the scenic blue sky, Xiao could not help but let out a soft hum. However, he was promptly broken out of his reverie when a small chuckle ensues. Xiao turned to see large amber eyes peering at him, accompanied with a mischievous grin that stretched out.

"Did something good happen? You look happy today."

Curse Aether and his devilishly observant nature. Xiao looked away, hoping that it would hide his thoughts from the inquisitive boy. But atlas, it was no use. Aether saw straight through his friend, bringing up a hand to gasp dramatically,

" You spoke with the Sweet Paradise barista?!"

Xiao flinched, closing his eyes to brace himself for the incoming wave.

"How did it go?! Did you tell him a joke? You must introduce him to me soon!!"

A small sigh left him as he turned a corner, recalling the path from yesterday by memory.

"Xiao where are you going? This isn't' the way to school!"

"Keep quiet," he finally growls, patience reaching its humble cap. By a crossroad, Xiao leans against a wall with his arms folded. Aether hovers around his friend, observing with curiosity that eventually turns into confusion. However, his bewilderment was promptly cleared when a new face emerged from a turn of a corner.

Teal eyes, fully absorbed in a book held between pale slender fingers. The stranger had ash-blonde hair, and was wearing the same school uniform as them. Aether was intelligent enough to connect the dots - the dainty stranger fully matched Xiao's (very vague) description of his favorite barista.

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