Chapter 6: They meet

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Lucka: Ok, we got her stuff, food, what else are we missing?
Alex: What about she meets Daiz and Leah?
Delilah stops playing on Alex's  phone
Delilah: Who are they?
Lucka: My sister and her girlfriend
Delilah: Daddy has 2 girlfriends.
Alex: Do you wanna meet them Delilah?
Delilah: Yeah!
Lucka: That's good cause were near there house.
Alex (whispering): Do you think there doing what we were when the man came there?
Lucka (wispering) : They only do it at night
Alex(not wispering) :That's good to know.
Lucka (not wispering) : Yeah.
Delilah: Siss- Alex?
Alex: Mhm?
Delilah: Are y'all dating?
Alex: Yeah we are, why do you ask?
Delilah: mommy said that gays are fa-
Alex Inturups her
Alex: Don't say the last word.
Delilah: why?
Alex: It's a sulr, a bad word, only people apart of the LGBTQ+ can say it.
Delilah: oh, sorry.
Lucka: Were here.
They get out of the car
Alex: Delilah do you want me to carry you?
Delilah looks exited
Alex picks her up and they start walking to the door
Delilah: Are they nice?
Alex: Yeah, there some of the nicest people I know, your gonna love them
Leah opens the door
Leah: Hey- OMG!! IS THAT A KID!!!!
Daiz runs over and picks Leah up
Daiz: Hey guys! Come in.
Alex puts Delilah down
Daiz puts Leah on one of the seats in there bar.
Daiz crouches down to Delilah
Daiz: Whos kid is this? She's the cutest.
Alex: She's my sister.
Delilah: Your pretty.
Leah: She's beautiful.
Lucka: Your a simp Leah.
Lucka sits at the bar
Alex sits beside him
Daiz: Can I pick you up?
Delilah nods
Daiz sits her on the bar counter
Daiz: So whats up?
Alex: We need a place for her to stay until we graduate college.
Leah: We won't mind. Also I'm taking her to our room so we can play with my makeup.
Daiz: Were fine but why can't she stay with her mom or dad?
Alex looks scared
Lucka: It's a rough situation with them and he's the only person they could find for her.
Daiz: Holy shit, I'm so sorry Alex.
Alex: I'm fine the only scars I have are bottom and top surgery and from them being drunk.
Lucka and Daiz: Your trans?
Alex: I thought you saw my flag in my room.
Leah comes out of her and Daizs room
Leah: She's asleep.
Alex: She only goes to sleep when she's around people she trusts.
Daiz: Y'all have her stuff right?
Lucka: Yeah also what time is it?
Leah looks at her phone
Leah: It's 3pm
Alex: Do y'all have a spare room?
Leah: We have a guest room we could use that for her.
Daiz: Me and Lucka will get her stuff out of the car.
Delilah runs out of there room to Alex crying
Alex: What's wrong?
Alex picks up Delilah and sits her on his lap.
Delilah: I had a bad dream.
Daiz: Hey Delilah, do you want to help us move your stuff in here?
Delilah: I want to stay with brother.
Lucka: Let's start getting her stuff out.
Daiz: Kay.
Daiz and Lucka walk outside
Alex: So Delilah do you want to get paint for your new room?
Delilah: Can I get purple?
Leah: Sure! You can get any color you want.
Delilah: Then lets go!
They walk out and see Daiz and Lucka caring stuff.
Daiz: Where are y'all going?
Leah: Were going to get paint for her room.
Daiz: Oh ok heres my card.
Leah grabs the card
Alex looks at the card and gasps
Alex: Is that Jeremy Matsubara, the world class lawyers name on that card?!
Daiz: Yeah...thats me and Luckas dad.
Alex: WHAT?! I knew that man has kids but me dating one of them? Woah.
Lucka: You know that the paper that said our dorm number had our names on it, I think.
Alex: I didn't read that.
Daiz: How about we finish putting her stuff in her room?
Lucka: Right, have fun!
Alex: We will.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2022 ⏰

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