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Heya, this is _HyperGirl_ and LoveShattersLikeRain. So if you havn't read the full description then you don't know that we're co-writing this story, it is also on LoveShattersLikeRain's page. Please vote/comment/ fan us both if you can (But if it's too much hassel just vote on mine-I don't mind :D hee hee)


     "You're not who you think you are. You're an immortal." Okay, you are propable confused by this. So let me back track. It all started this morning...

     I could not belive what had happened today. Today was meant to be the best day of my life! My 16th birthday. It all started when i had this wierd dream. I found it wierd because it was so realistic. I could actually feel the pain I was experiencing in my dream. This was my dream:

     I was walking home with my bestfriend Marie (I'm Rhea, by the way.) Then we were halfway home from school. We were carrying our heavy bags and wearing the clothes we had picked out the night before.  Then four guys that were at least four years older than me started to follow us. Two of dem looked completely drunk and the other two not far off. I started walking a little faster pulling Maire with me. One of the nearly-sober ones caled out to me:

     "aw, don;t be that way honey. We just wanna talk with you and your friend...!"

     Now, Marie was the one puklling me. Another nearly-sober one had a really light footstep. He out one hand on My shoulder and one on Maries. We came to a sudden stop.

     After that everything was really fuzzy. I know it was just a dream it just seemed so real! After he pushed us to the ground all i felt was a massive head .


      I woke up sweating and panting, my dad was at my bedside.

 "Rhea, honey, It's okay. It was just a dream." He whispered.I sighed in relief.

"Happy birthday love." He said, he gave me a hug and he went back down stairs. I lay in bed for a few minutes after he left. Thinking about my dream. Thinking one of the boys looked distantly familiar but I'm not sure from where. Putting that at the back of my mind. I lay there thinking 'Did I feel any differnet being 16?'

     I got up about 20 minutes later. As I made my way towards the door out of my room to go diwn stairs. I passed my book shelf... (Funny story!)  Every occasion my parents had got me books about fiction. Everytype of fiction there is! Vampires, werewolfes, witches, wizards. You name it!

I went down stairs after I got dressed. I chose skinny jeans, tank to, ankle boots and a cute little beret. I grabbed a slice of toast off the kitchen table. I slung my school bag over my shoulder. I made a head for the door.

     "Honey? Cam you come in for a minute?" My dad called out to me.

"Sure dad, what's up?" I walked back into the kitchen.

"I know you had plans to go to the cinema for your birthday with ...Darren....Damen...whatsitsface!" He started laughing to himself..

I groaned. He always forgets his name. I'm sick of it by now.

"Dad, I told you one, I told you a thousand times! It's Dallas." I muttered the last part through my teeth.

"And, no dad, I'm not hanging out with him. I was planning on Marie." As soon as it's out I knew he was gonna say somthing about-

"I never liked that girl. I don't know what you see in her as a friend." He muttered, returning back to his coffee and morning paper.

 "I do need you to come home after school though... we need to talk..."


     "So, are we going cinema after school or what? I hear Dallas will be there..." Marie started to tease. She always does this! Just 'cause I like him. She uses him to get to me to do stuff for her.

"Even is he was going to be there he would probably be with Clint." I muttered under my breath.

"Anyway I cant. My dad wants to 'talk' to me I need to find out what it is... This cant be good.." I slammed my locker, and stormed off.  

    I turned the cormer ready to make a break for the door. It seemed odd that I just have  to bump into the one and only, Clint Smith. (One of if not the most gorgeous guy in our school.

He was walking out the same door I was.

"Here." He said as he as he held the door open for me.

"Thanks.." I said a little wary and a little curios. I walked on quickly and he walked even faster to catch up with me.

'Till death do we part, but what if we live an eternity. (Co-written)Where stories live. Discover now