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Areum's POV

"A story that was never told is the hardest and painful. In my opinion, there are different meanings when you say a story that was never told, but for me... It means that your side was never explained, your side of the story was never told, and others might misunderstood you, to the point that you will be hate forever" Mr. Ty wrote something on the board and faced everyone with a smile "Is there a time where you think that moment is you story that was never told? If yes, please do share it in front. This will be added to your points, If you don't want to share, no pressure. I am not forcing anyone though"

I looked at the person beside me. He is sleeping. How can he sleep when Mr. Ty is explaining?

I raised my hand "I-I have one, but it is another person's pov"

"Is it okay to share?"
Mr. Ty asked

I nodded "I am sure she don't mind"

He nodded and signaled me to go to the front. I made sure Hyunjin is really sleeping before I went to the front. As I faced everyone, I gave them a smile and noticed Eunji is secretly cheering for me.

"Uh... I have this friend who likes someone but can't even tell. It took a while for her to realize that she should confess for them to be happy together, actually, even if she don't confess, they are still happy together. They are together through ups and downs, that became her sign that maybe they are really for each other. The times goes by, she fell in love and she was the happiest when she realized that. But..." I paused and glanced at Hyunjin who is currently sleeping "Destiny is playing with them. Everything was fine not until another problem came up which she knows will be the reason for them to fall apart. The guy still doesn't know and she doesn't want to tell him, scared of hurting him"

"Did she cheat on him?"
one classmate asked

"If I were to compare the situation, yes. She is at fault but he doesn't have an idea"

They all made a sound which means they are hurt from the story I told. Is it considered as cheating when Hyunjin doesn't know that I am the person who caused the accident years ago? Is he going to hate me?

"I guess that was my- I mean my friend's story that was never told"

"Thank you, Areum. Everyone can have their lunch. I will see you all tomorrow"
Mr. Ty said and left the classroom

Everyone left the classroom as well. Eunji signaled me that she will go. She told me earlier that she will be having a presentation in their club and she is annoyed because the leader would always ask questions to her, like nonsense questions just to annoy her.

I watched everyone go and went back to my seat. I fixed my things and made sure I am not going to leave one behind. I was hoping to stay in the clinic for a while, I feel like I am going to vomit anytime soon. I don't know but the doctor told me that I should rest whenever I feel something weird in me.

I glanced at Hyunjin and he is still sleeping "Why is he sleeping here?"

He is probably glad that Mr. Ty didn't notice him sleeping, or probably didn't bother waking him up. Did he not get enough sleep last night? Why is he so lazy? It's already lunch, he should be at the cafeteria by now.

I laid down my head on the desk, facing Hyunjin. He looks peaceful while sleeping- I mean his face is like a work of an art. Did he talk to other girls while I am away? Did he try hitting on others? Or turned into a flirt?

"Hyunjin" I whispered

But the more I look at him, I keep falling in love and that made me realize that no matter what happens, we will both get hurt in the end, especially him. I am sure Hyunjin will be hurt once he find out. Can I tell him? I wanted to tell him but how?

I feel like I shouldn't because he already forgot about it. But... He can't just not know about it. I admit it, I caused that accident, if I just didn't force myself to drive the car even though I was told no to, there will be no accident nor people that got hurt.

I am still thankful that he transferred here and I met him. I think I was the happiest when I met him and when he trusted me. Did he push the case of the accident? If he did, he probably knows the name of those who are involve. I guess he didn't... He lived the life he never wanted for two years and got hurt for a lot of times because of me. Can a simple sorry change everything he experienced? Can he still forgive me and like me if he find out?

There are times, I wish that never happened, and if that didn't happen I wouldn't meet him and fall in love, and will soon get hurt for the mistake I did...

I just felt my tears falling as I continued staring at his face...

Will you forgive me if ever I tell you?

her memory, | Hwang HyunjinWhere stories live. Discover now