Not the same anymore

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Y/n Pov


"We need to go back to the school" I said drinking some water

"Why?" Su hyeok Ask eating his Ramen

"I'll show you when we get there" I said gulping the water

I started to pack some foods and drinks for Cheong san I bet his really hungry for not eating for months he looks pretty skinny

"Who are this for?" Su hyeok ask

"Cheong san" I said continue packing up

"Y/n, Isn't this too much for him its like someone will eat them" He said politely and I sighed

"He'll eat them" I said

"But" I cut him off

"He'll eat them Su hyeok" I said in a annoyed tone

He stayed silent after that and we waited until its nearly night time so bo one will follow us and find Cheong san and kill him

"Let's go" I said putting the bag on around my back and we started to go to the school

We didn't heard from Nam-ra yet that was the last time we saw her when she jump of the building 

We arrived at school and I headed to the room where I left Cheong san and Su hyeok was following me behind

We entered the room and Cheong san turn around making him look like a zombie

Su hyeok immediately protected me and step infront of me to protect me from Cheong san

"Y/n ah" Cheong san said while walking slowly to us

"Back off!" Su hyeok said

"Its okay Su hyeok his not gonna hurt us" I said trying to get pass him but he block it with his arm

"No, he's a zombie" He said

"No he's not okay its Cheong san he won't hurt us" I said approaching Cheong san

Su hyeok was hesitant at first but slowly approach as

I was holding Cheong san's hand as he hold mine tight

He look at Cheong san's left eye

"What happened?" He ask Cheong san

"He took my eye" He said and we all know who did it Gwi nam

I hope his dead

"Here, I brought you foods" I gave Cheong san my back pack full of ramen and drinks

"I don't eat that anymore" He said and look at me

"Oh then what do you want?" I ask with a smile

"He wants us as his food Y/n, Come on his a unknown creature" Su hyeok said

Cheong san slowly look down I slightly glared at su hyeok but he look away

"I'll find you something to eat" I said

"And where the fuck would you find a human willing to sacrifice their life for him to eat" Su hyeok got mad

"Don't talk to her like that!" Cheong san got mad

"I can talk to her like that!" Su hyeok yelled

Cheong san punch him and they started fighting

"Stop it!" I yelled making them stop hurting eachother and turn to me

"Stop it both of you!" I yelled

Cheong san push Su hyeok away making fly across the room which shocked me I gasp and run towards Su hyeok to make sure his okay cause he was groaning

"Omg are you okay?" I ask him

He was groaning

"Cheong san, what were you thinking?!" I yelled at him

"I'm so sorry, I didn't control" He looks at his hands

He look at us and back away

"I'm monster Y/n ah" He said

"You need to get away from me" He said backing away from us

"No were your friends!" I said

"No, I'm not the same anymore" He said and I started crying

Su hyeok slowly got up and slowly drag me

"No wait Cheong san!" I cried

"Don't come back here Y/n ah cause I'm not going to be here" He said and then his gone from my sight

Su hyeok completely drag me back to the quarantine zone while I was still crying

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