|•~{Chapter Thirty Six}~•|

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Y/n opened her eyes as she saw jungkook sitting beside her while holding her hand. Taking her hand out of his, she tried to sit up as she hissed when she felt a sharp pain in her head.

Jungkook looked up as he saw her up eyes turning teary he cupped her face, "Do you feel okay?" he questioned as she nodded her head in return.

He pulled her in his arms as he wrapped one of his hand around her shoulder with the other one caressing her soft hairs, "Why would you do that?" He asked her softly as he placed his head on her shoulder.

Y/n went stiff as she heard him. She had no answer for that. She simply had no will to live anymore. The pain in her heart was making it too much for her. It was taking a lot for her to hold on any longer. She had given up already.

But she couldn't say that to him.

He pulled up to look into her eyes when she didn't reply. Her eyes looked blank as she looked into jungkook's eyes. It almost scared him.

"Why didn't you think about me?" He asked her as she looked down at her lap, feeling guilty, "hm?"

"Jungkook i-i can't... It's too ha-rd" she spoke as her voice broke making jungkook to pull her chin up to face him again.

But she busted out in tears as she looked at him, "I do not want this anymore. It's too much... i-i can't d-o this anym-ore" She sobbed as he just looked at her.

"I'm too weak.. These feelings, this world, these humans, their intentions. They're strong. Stronger than me. Way too strong. It's hard for me. I can't live anymore. Why did you sa-ve me?" She questioned as he sighed, pulling her into his arms again.

"Ple-ase. I wa-nt t-to f-feel e-ase. Let m-me go p-please" She begged as her voice came out as barely a whisper.

"I can't let you go y/n. How will I be okay if you aren't there? Why can't you live for m-e?" He questioned as he buried his face in her neck, "Please don't do this to me. I can't live without you." He spoke, his voice sounding deeper than usual as his tears feel on her bare skin.

"You can jungkook. I know. I know. I trust you. I trust you to live the best. Even without me. Please" She spoke as she felt him buying his face further in her neck.

"I-i can't." He finally sobbed as he breathed heavily, "I l-ove y-you. I can n-ot b-be wi-thout y-ou." He whispered as she closed her eyes.

"Y-you... N-no you shou-ld n-not d-do th-at" She whispered, finally wrapping her arms around him as one of her hand rubbed his back.

"Please y/n. Please don't go a-away from me. I beg you." He sniffled as more and more tears left his eyes. His heart felt shaky knowing she could tell him, she doesn't care and still doesn't want to live.

Knowing his wife is at that point of her life where she feels like dying. He felt like ripping himself apart because he could not do anything to comfort her, to help her be in peace.

"Please princess." He begged as y/n sobbed. She felt bad for him. Knowing he had fallen in love with such a broken soul.

She wanted to try. Try for him. Try to be with him. Try to make him happy. But everything that falls ends up breaking and that scared her. What if she broke him in a way she was broken? What if she couldn't be enough for him? What if she never return him the same love he gives her?

Yet despite all the doubts she decided to try. To live. Not only for him, but also her.

She was too tired of being broken. Too tired of being in the same place. She wanted to get up and walk again. She wanted to the live of a normal person.

"Okay" She whispered as her hand made its way in his hair. Wrapping the other arm around his neck, she rested her face on his shoulder as he busted out in tears, hearing her.

"Thank you so much" She smiled sadly as she felt his shaky lips on her neck, "I'll do everything to help you. I promise." He spoke.

He eventually pulled out after some minutes. Red teary eyes looking at every inch of her face but her eyes. He admired her features. Her beautiful and unique face beautiful. His hand gently caressing her head as they eventually ended up cupping her jaw.

"You're so beautiful." He spoke as tears made its way in his eyes again, "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I couldn't be there for you when you needed me. Yet you're willing to give me a chance." He spoke as his eyes showed pure guilt. He felt ashamed of himself. Too ashamed that he couldn't even look into her eyes.

"I promise I won't repeat the same mistakes ever again." He promised as she nodded her head wiping off her tears and his.

"what if I still don't make it? If I still found no happiness?" She questioned him as he looked into her eyes this time.

"That won't happen. I know you're strong. You just need to fight. Not anyone but yourself. Don't cage yourself. These fears arent real. You're beautiful inside and outside. You deserve to live. And your soul needs to hear it from you." He assured her. She sighed, nodding her head as she placed her hand over his and placed a peck on his palm.

"I'll try my best." She spoke as jungkook smiled, nodding his head.

He rested his forehead against hers as he closed his eyes, silently praying for her. He let out a sigh as he held both of her hands in his, tenderly caressing them, making her to close her eyes as well.

"I love you so much." He whispered again as she felt herself getting laid back on the bed.

Jungkook pulled out as he stood up from the bed, "Rest for a while. I just need to do something real quick. I'll be back in some minutes okay? I'm in my office room, just text me if you need anything. Don't get out of the bed. I'll bring you something to eat once I'm done okay? Just rest hm?" He blabbered as he pecked her forehead, warming her heart.

She nodded her head as she watched him walk out of the room.

She was trying to be hopeful.

Once again.


He confessed aha🌼

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